Chapter 20

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It was a long time... Issei didn't show up for a day straight... he didn't want to show up... the only time he would show up would be to leave a note for his mother that he wouldn't be home. For the entirety of the day, Issei was grinding it at the dungeon. Obtaining as many experience points as he could... If he could obtain 5 levels in 10-12 hours here in the dungeon, he could easily obtain 10 if he could grind for an entire day... wrong. He only obtained 7 levels from grinding it here in the dungeon for that length of time.


Leaving dungeon

Rewards received: +8 silver coins and 18 bronze coins


That was all that he got... with his current two silver coins, he had obtained 10 silver coins in the last couple of days from this dungeon alone. Opening up the shop, Issei wanted to see what he could get with all his coins. He had 10 silver coins... and that's all. He already spent 3 bronze coins and 15 bronze coins for a health potion and a small mana potion for when he fought the three bosses of the dungeon. So... the 18 bronze coins were just making up for the loss.


• (Rare) Shield of Judgement — 1 silver coin

• (Rare) Great Sword— 1 silver coin and 25 bronze coins

• (Epic) Ruins Great Sword — 5 silver coin

• (Rare) Gold Chest Plate — 1 silver and 5 bronze coins

• (Epic) Great Shield - 5 silver coins and 25 bronze coins

• (Epic) Iron Great Shield - 9 silver coins

• Health Potion — 5 bronze coins

• Mana Potion — 3 bronze coins

• Larger Health Potion — 15 bronze coins

• Larger Mana Potion — 10 bronze coins


Issei spent nearly all his coins and bought the Iron Great Shield.


Equipment: Iron Great Shield

Rarity: Epic

Attributes: +3 Strength

                       +10 Endurance

                       -5 Agility

                       +25% Damage Reduction

Requirements: 50 STR

Details: A shield forged by the warriors of Olympus made to combat the very titans that they fought. These shields would be given to some of the lesser Gods to fight off against some of the attacks from the Titans.


With that, Issei began adjusting his stats to be as prepared as he could be for his next mission.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Title: Guardian of Kuoh

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