Chapter 3- payback time.

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           The Ocean Reaper sat in her new office, finding out how much her bounty was now. She was well aware of the fact she had a bounty and why. It angered her how she was being pursued for a kidnapping of all people, the Princess of Doehills. She absolutely despises the royal family of Doehills and even the kingdom itself. The royal family was an irresponsible, gullible, idiotic, and spoiled family that deserved nothing that they had. She wished so much that she could just kill them all. If she got rid of them, then she could be happier. She wished she had never seen or heard of the kingdom. She had seen many kingdoms, as many people as she killed she enjoyed exploration. She looked upon many kingdoms with wonder, but Doehills was one she could never see a wonderful or beautiful place. Anger continued to rise in her body and mind the more she thought about Doehills.She had to get rid of that royal family, so she needed to get revenge. It was all she craved. She wanted them dead! Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the red wooden door interrupted the Ocean Reapers' thoughts. She was honestly annoyed by this blatant distraction while she planned. She told the person behind the door, "This better be worth it. Come on in." The crew member came in with a nervous stance and look. He said to her, "We are heading towards a ship from the kingdom of Doehills, Captain." She then let anger consume her, and she ordered that they shoot it down. She also ordered that if they were not dead, she would kill each and every one of them. She would let her sword peirce their skin and pull it out slowly as it became more and more covered their blood. The crew member was frightened, which only increased as they saw the anger in her eyes. They scrambled to get started upon the order given to them. The sound of  the cannons firing delighted the Ocean Reaper. She watched as the cannon balls hit the ship, tearing the boat apart and causing water to flood the ship. The boat was sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. About 6 to 8 people were spotted on floating debris of the demolished ship, " capture them and bring them to my office, NOW!" The Ocean Reaper went back to her office. She was overwhelmed with joy. She originally had no plan of revenge and was working in making one. She looked over the plan she had before and moved it off her desk to the wall. She began to write more and more plans in which were useless, while others had potential. She eventually created a plan that got her exactly what she wanted and was honestly perfect. Just in time, there was a knock on the door. She got up and opened the door, letting the hostages get dropped off and silently telling the crew member to leave them alone. She placed all captured crew members up to the wall furthest from the door. She asked them each who they served and how much they knew. She knew what they all knew. She had seen those positions before. In front of her was the Captain of the Ocean Guard, 5 of his crewmates, a royal judge, and the royal mediator. She got out her gun and pointed it at them. Each of them was scared out of their mind and trembled with fear. At first, she closed her eyes and pointed before just shouting blindly. She opened her eyes to see she hit the Ocean Gaurd in the arm. She smiled as pain consumed his body. They fell onto their knees from the pain, and the Ocean Reaper lowered down to their level. She made sure they all knew it was deliberate. She then shot the 5 crewmates, who knew nothing. She watched as blood spilled out of their bodies and onto the floor. It started to stain the ships floor, but she had seen it before. The three around them became more frightened. Some even started to beg for her to spare them from that fate. She couldn't care less that they were begging, just that they had information. She then escorted them out of the office and ordered that someone cleaned up the floor. She led them down to the empty metal room, in which she installed cages and shackles. She monigled them to the wall in the cages. She then left and went about her day.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I may not be able to update for the next days, but will I can!

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