Chapter 12 - No Longer Her

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         Elias just sat in her cold and dark cell, wanting for the move. The sound of gun shots could be heard all around her. She assumed that she was killing the crew. The sound of her own thoughts drowned out the sound that she was  ashamed to have grown numb to. She was constantly thinking about how the Ocean Reaper could be Taylis. Why was she alive? She was executed, right? What if she negotiated to get her position back? Of course, one thought, always came back and shut down that idea. Who was she now? If she was Taylis, would she really listen. The sound of the metal down swinging open snapped Elias out of her thoughts. Elias looked up to see the Ocean Reaper with her gun by her side and the smell of gun powder and blood coming off of her. "Get up, we are leaving," the Ocean Reaper said with no guilt. The question popped up agian, Who was she? Elias knew she had no time to spare if she wanted to live another day. Elias was brought to the top of the ship. The Ocean Reaper was gripping her arm with increasing strength. Once they emerged from the deck, she saw the sun. It felt so good to feel the sun agian. She never felt it while in the personal holding cell. It was probably meant to be a vault. The only thing was that the light was accompanied by the dark. The floor was covered in bodies. There was blood all over them and bullet holes in each and every one of them. They all looked terrified. Elias was just about to throw up but was about to keep from doing so. She looked at the woman responsible for the slaughter of so many. A new question came to mind. Would she even dare to ask? I mean, maybe it was not even worth it. The sound of another ship starled Elias. She looked up to see another ship that seemed to be moving towards them. Elias couldn't help but feel bad for them. Elias was pulled over to where the ships would connect. Elias wished the Ocean Reaper wasn't so aggressive with it. Elias wanted to warn the other boat but knew she would only die then. Elias was pushed to the sticky and blood covered floor. Elias new clothes provided by some kind of crew member were getting covered in the dried blood of the other trapped members. The Ocean Reaper finally let go of Elias arm. Her grip left marks on her arm. Elias wanted to get up but knew she would get in trouble. The boat shoots as the ships are connected to their stolen ship. The captain of the other ship walked on board only to meet with a multitud of bodies and Queen Elias. Elias wanted to warn him of the Ocean Reaper coming up from behind him. The Ocean Reaper took no chances and put a knife to hus neck and a gun to Elias head. The captain looked down at a terrified Elias and realized she was being held hostage and now so was he. Elias was ordered to stand up and walk behind the Ocean Reaper. Elias rapidly got herself up and began to move to the other ship. The crew had a face of horror as they saw their captain was taken hostage. Once on the other ship, Elias was told to die right behind the Ocean Reaper. Elias wished she had any other option, but she did not. "Starting today, your captain is me, and you will learn about sacrifice," the Ocean Reaper yelled. She paused before speaking again. "Now, if you try to move off this ship, this idiotic royal and you will die." Elias looked up and pleaded for them to not move. She did not need to see more innocent people die. The Ocean Reaper disconnected the ships so that they no longer had any chances to leave. The Ocean Reaper looked at everyone before bringing the captain to what was once his room. Once the Ocean Reaper left, the crew members asked Elias if she was okay. She felt bad about lying, but she did not need them to worry. She just told them she was fine. The crew looked as if they knew she was not okay. The Ocean Reaper, however, came back, and all of their attention switched back to her. The group was split into 3 groups. One was left with Elias, another was shot on the spot, and lastly, one was brought into another room. Elias almost expected all of this at this point. Elias was surprised to be brought to the Ocean Reaper room. Was now the time to ask? Elias knew if not now, then never. "Why are you doing this, Taylis?" Elias asked with a nervous tone.The Ocean Reaper looked behind her with surprise. " How did you find out? and WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY?! "  The yelling made Elias slightly scared of what she had done. " You think I would know my most trusted royal advisor?" Elias spoke, fear hidden in her voice. " Trust, REALLY! YOU did not trust me! You tried to EXECUTE ME FOR NOTHING! " The Ocean Reaper yelled back. Elias was confused, so she responded, " What do you mean you committed a crime that we could not forgive?" Ryan said he say you." I had to do that. " NO! I DID NOT, HE DID THAT, AND YOU ALL BELIEVED HIS LIES AND THEN WHEN YOU BLAMED ME FOR THE DEATH OF YOUR DAUGHTER " The Ocean Reaper retorted back. " No, if you did not do so, then tell me who did, please," Elias begged back. " FINE, it was you rotten royal who killed her." The news shook Elias' mind. "What ..." Elias questioned the reality of the situation. She had always blamed The Ocean Reaper, but was she really responsible for her own daughter's death. " Oh, you just assumed, huh! well, here is the truth you murderer. She took my place unknown to me the night before my execution. She was KILLED ON YOUR OWN corner, " the Ocean Reaper said before leaving her new bedroom. Elias sat there furious at herself for allowing the situation to get this bad. Soon enough, The Ocean Reaper had come in to go to bed for the night. Elias watched as she realized that her Taylis was gone and dead. This was the new Taylis.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! It was a bit longer than I thought.

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