Chapter 14 - First Day In "Paradise"

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Elias's eyes opened  and she was well rested for once. She had no pain in her back. It felt nice to be able to sleep in a real bed since she had been captured. Elias got up and walked towards the bathroom that was connected to the room. She quickly got herself dressed in some clothes she found in a clear bucket under the bed. It had stacks of outfit. She began to walk around the room as she had barely anything to do. She was no longer the constant watch of Taylis so she had no idea what to do with the freedom she was given. Elias just waited for something to happen, but nothing was happening. She only looked around to see anything at all. Elias only noticed the desk and decided to write or draw. Elias found it the best way to express herself. If she told Taylis what she wanted to saw she would defially be punished. Many of the drawing dipicted her family and Doehills. She so desperately wanted to come back home and leave this lingering place of death. Taylis was walking among the ship. It was nice to get her revenge. However she did wonder if she gave Elias too much freedom. What if she hid secret items from her? Whatever the matter she was going to check the room for everything in the next few days. As Taylis walked along the ship, the others on board were scared for their life. She smiled ear to ear. She was so close to finally having justice. Taylis only goal was to get her revenge and she was willing to do anything for anything. Nothing and especially not anyone was going to get in the way. She had killed million with no regret and would continue to do so until that rotten, no good, decieving, and selfish prince was dead. Taylis walked into her office and sat in her chair. She yelled for a crew member to come. She wanted to talk with her most annoying prisoner. Elias was interrupted by a crew member unlocking door. She was prepared to see Taylis, but instead it was a crew member. Elias was walked into the room as Taylis stared at her. " Your family has not seen you in so long, My old friend. How much do you think they miss hearing your voice? How about we call them." Taylis started. " I don't see how we could, captain" She had to call Taylis captain since she now knew, Taylis did not want her saying her old name. " Oh, how pessimistic you are! I love it!" Taylis continued their conversation. " Of course you do" Elias mumbled under her breath, She hoped Taylis did not hear her. She could not imagine the consequences of such an action. Taylis looked up with a sadist feeling accompanied with rising anger at Elias for the underhanded comment. " I'm sorry. Speak Louder! I could not hear you!" Taylis said as she picked up her gun and pointed it at Elias who had a frightened look on her face " I- I'm Sorry, Please ... Captain please don't" Elias began to beg as the situation had registered for her. The begging only partly worked as a bullet flew past her only scaring her cheek. " Now as I was saying we are going to be communicating to your family one time before I expect an answer. Now Get over here and do as you're told." Taylis threatened as they dialed a number on the phone. Taylis forced Elias onto her knees as the phone rang and said into her ear " If you speak without my permission you will be thrown overboard same with encouraging them to not kill the prince, understand! " Just then the phone picked up. " hello, this is the Ocean Reaper, I expect to be talking to the Royal family in 10 seconds or yourQueen will be throwover board tonight. Go on speak Elias, Speak! " Taylis said before handing the phone to Elias who only said " Please just as she says." " Good girl." Taylis started to count as she waited for the royal family " 3, 2, " " Hello Ocean Reaper, this is the king, There is no need to kill her, we are on the phone"  A smile spread across Taylis face as She heard the panic in their voice. A worried expression appeared on Elias face. " You royals have not gotten back to me about our deal, which I think is a pretty fair deal considering who I am! So I simply wanted to give you more convincing. You see your wife is on her knees behind my lovely new desk. I have demanded that you execute the prince for a crime he should have been killed for years ago. If you don't want your queen to be pronounced dead  send an answer in the next week or her body will be delivered to your wretched kingdom. " "how do we know you have not killed her yet?! " "Say Hi!" "Hello, honey ... " The phone was then hung up and unplugged. Taylis looked at Elias's sorrow filled face and ordered that she stand up. Elias quickly did, but was surprised to be dragged back to the room. Taylis threw Elias onto her bed and picked up one of the chains. She quickly grabbed Elias's wrist which was squirming from fear. Taylis chained it to the bed along with her other hand before leaving the room and locking the door. Elias started to cry as she had just seen her world crumble in 5 seconds. She was chained to her bed, her family was about to agree with Taylis's deal, and she was going to lose everything.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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