Chapter 5- New Information

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         The dungeon on board the Ocean Reapers ship was quiet. No one dared to speak. No one wanted to get in trouble. A crew member stood guard and checked every so often. They were honestly in the same situation as them, and they knew the feeling. They, however, did not want to die for failing to do an order given by the Ocean Reaper. If they did, they would surely die. The door suddenly swung open, and everyone looked up from their cages. The guard had a worried look on his face as he let the Ocean Reaper into the room. She lit up the room with candles and lanterns. There were about 2 of each, so it barely lit up the room. The Ocean Reaper had walked past some of the cages and got to the former Captain of the Ocean Guard. He had a face of pure fear as he saw her looking at him with pure anger. Had he messed up just sitting there, or was he moving too much? What did he do?! She reached her hand inside the cage and pulled him against the bars before taking out a knife from her pocket. She pushed it into his skin and made a promise to kill him if he dad not answer honestly. She let him go after binding his hands together outside of the cage. He just stood there nervous as the Ocean Reaper paced back and forth, tossing the knife in the air. "Alright, first question, where is the royal family at 7 pm? When is the royal family the least protected? What is the Queens' weakness? What are the most important royal files?" The Ocean Reaper spoke with hostility in her voice. The former captain was about to answer some of the questions when he made no sound. He desperately wanted to answer. The Ocean Reaper was getting irritated by his lack of response, so she stabbed him in his arm. She did not want to pull out the knife yet, so she simply got another one out of her pocket. The man was on the verge of tears, and he was pleading for his brain to let him say something! Anything! " I'll ask agian, where is the royal family at 7 pm? When is the royal family guarded the least? What is the Queen's weakness? What are the most important royal files?! " She yelled, this time more aggressive. This time, he answered a few of the questions, but not all. He has tears falling down his eyes like waterfalls at this point. She then stuck the knife near his heart and demanded he answer the rest of the questions. " Fine," he stuttered out. He was beginning pain the spread across his body. All but one question was answered in the end. The Ocean Reaper disposed of how long it took, so she had taken out her gun and pointed it at the terrified former captain. She smiled as he desperately tried to untie his hands, but she had given him enough mercy. A shot was heard throughout the ship as the former captain was shot in the heart. The crew around her looked on with fear as he fell to the base of his cage. " Clean up his body, will you?" She told the crew member who guarded the hostages. She left to go to her office and started to plan further on what she wanted to do with the newly acquired information.

Hope you enjoy this new chapter!

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