Chapter 18 - Another Call

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                 Taylis woke with pure, child-like joy for the first time in years. She was finally going to be able to have her revenge for the princess! Taylis walked around the ship, smiling ear to ear. She was heading to give Elias her food back along with another reason. She only took Elias's food as punishment for a few drawings. She originally was going to take it for the whole day, but she felt overjoyed by the recent news. Taylis walked towards Elias's room and waited outside of the door. She wanted to hear if Elias was already crying. Sadly, she was not crying yet. Taylis walked into the room and looked over at the bed where Elias was curled up in the bed due to her hunger. The first thing Taylis did was place the food on the desk and shoot a crew member who was passing by. Elias fell out of bed due to the noise. She looked up at Taylis and straightened herself up to not appear broken. Taylis looked at Elias and pointed at the desk. Elias walked over to the desk but started to run to it as soon as she saw the food. Elias had not eaten for a week, so she did not care at all if she was showing how desperate she was. Taylis quite enjoyed the look of Elias being weak. She knew she was, and it bothered her that she acted as if she wasn't. Taylis, however, was not there to just give back Elias's food. She also was going to do one last call to Doehill's terrible royal family. Taylis went over to the desk and sat on the desk. Taylis sudden presence made Elias extremely nervous, so she moved to her bed. Taylis had gone to plug in the phone and started to put in the number. " Sit in the chair," Taylis ordered. " Yes, Captain," Elias spoke as she walked over to the chair. Taylis pushed her into the chair and grabbed her chin. " Don't play around with this call, understand!" Taylis said. Taylis eventually let go of Elias chin and turned the chairs back to her. Elias nearly fell out of the chair during that transition. Taylis started the call and waited for someone to answer. " You have reached the Doehills castle. What is the business you wish to discuss?" a royal helper answered. " Hello, I am the Ocean Reaper, and you will connect me to the royal family," Taylis spoke. Silence was on the other end the phones, well except for a few faint yells. Elias was getting nervous as Taylis became more impatient. Elias knew that if she did not get connected in time, Elias would be the one to pay. Elias hoped someone would answer the phone. Taylis had begun to feel that she had spent enough time waiting, so she placed the end of her gun to Elias head. Elias held her breath and bit her tongue to avoid the tears about to fall down her face. Eventually, the King had an answer, but Taylis did not remove the gun. "Hello, Ocean Reaper. What is it that you need?" Elias heard from the other side of the phone. Taylis simply said back " Just checking to see if you still are going to follow through with this arrangement." Taylis stated. " I assure you we will" The king said desperately trying to prevent his wife's death. "Just to be sure, I will let her speak" Taylis said before handing the phone over to Elias. Elias had no idea what to say to stay safe. She only said " Hello dear, I hope to see you soon" Elias spoke nervously. She desperately did not want the gun to go off. She wanted to see her family again and soon. Taylis just hung up the phone and dug the gun further into Elias head. " Such a sweet message, better hope he got it" Taylis told her. Taylis left with her gun in hand and went to her office. Elias was left alone yet again.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

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