Chapter 13 - New Accomidations

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            Elias was still in shock. She had just found her daughters killer and it was her! Questions raced through her mind. All she could think about was how she was responsible for her daughters death. The emminse guilt was eating at Elias as she just sat in the corner of the room. Elias stood up and looked around the room she was not allowed to wonder. She was told never to do so. Elias never would dare disobey Taylis, especially with what she had seen. Elias was about to take a nap as she did it often. She really had nothing to do with Taylis now and focused on getting a response. Of course, it did not last long til a knock woke Elias up from her half asleep mode. With all that happened, she could never fully sleep. Elias knew it was not Taylis cuase she just walked in the room. It had to be some other person on board. It also could be a test of some kind. Maybe she wanted to see if she jumped for the door. Not that she did not want to, but she felt she just couldn't. More knocks were accurred, and it was becoming clear it was not Taylis. Elias had willed herself to open the door despite the danger. On the other side was a desperate crew member who looked relieved that Elias finally opened the door. "The captain said that they need you in her office," the crew member said with tears threatening to peirced their eyes. Elias and the crew member began to walk towards the new office. The new door was purple and had a gold trim. The crew member quickly knocked on the door, and they waited for a response. Neither of them wanted to die, so they both waited for as long was needed. "Come in," Taylis announced. Elias walked in and stood along with the crew member. They were dismissed as soon as Taylis saw Elias. They happily left but shot a worried look towards Elias. The door was closed behind Elias, and she knew there was no way out. Elias waited in the silence that was freaking her out. " Alright, idiotic royal. You are being moved to a different room so that you don't have to bother me anymore. " Taylis spoke before walking up to Elias. Elias was never called anything but insults by Taylis anymore. it honestly started to affect her mentally. Was she really that horrible of a person? Taylis grabbed Elias by the shirt and dragged her through the halls. There were many rooms and doors. Many were holding cells. Maybe that was where Elias was going to be. In one room, there were 20 beds. It looked cramped and stuffy. Maybe the metal rooms were the better ones. On the sign of the room, it said crews rooms. It was clear who slept there. Must be terrible being in there. Taylis noticed Elias looking into the rooms. It was preventing her transfer. It wasn't terribly important, but Elias may have been silent, but it bothered her that she stayed up so late. Taylis also knew that she was not chained down at all so she could do whatever she wanted when Taylis was not there. There was no way they were going to stay in her room. She however had a situation to deal with right now. "Stop looking there, we got places to go, besides as long as they don't anger me, they live." The comment scared Elias as she did not realize that she was doing that. Taylis resumed walking while pulling on Elias's shirt. The walk was silent for the rest of it. Eventually they made it to the room. It was oddly nice. It had wood floor, wood walls, a desk, and a bed. The bed however chains hanging off of the posts. The desk had stacks of paper and very few pens. Was she really staring in here! No way, she didn't even deserve this room. Elias was pushed into the room with all of Taylis strength. Elias hit the cold hard floor with a great impact that it made her bleed a little. " This is your new room, keep it clean. I will do routine checks and there will be punishments waiting to happen." Elias knew the beauty of the room was hiding a dark truth. She just wanted to have better rein on Elias actions. It did not matter to Elias I thought it was a better room than she had before. Taylis left the room and locked the door behind her. Elias went over to the bed and sat down on it. The bed was squishy, comfortable, the sheets did not look the best looking, and dusty. It was better than before when she was in the corner of Taylis room.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! In all honesty I was getting tired of calling Taylis, the Ocean Reaper. She probably will be more known as Taylis now.

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