Chapter 20 - Past Memories

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        The halls the castle were somewhat haunting as memories began to fill Taylis's head. She may have been a killer now, but she was once the royal advisor. The memories were filled with lost joy and naive trust. As much as she wanted to be able to be able to start that life again. She would only be getting back into a life of lies. Taylis was far too gone to be able to do that now. The halls only were a painful reminder of what was once hers. She was only really heading down the hall to find her old room. She could possibly stay there. It would be nostalgic to see it again. Taylis continued down the hallway but only looked down. She did not want any memories of her weak and naive past self. Now she knew the truth. Taylis at last made it to her old room. The door, however, looked different. Maybe just to make it more fit for the castle. She, however, was angered to find out that the prince had the room. Had they really taken away her bedroom for that spoiled brat?! Taylis felt true anger in that very moment. It was enough to drive her crazy, not that she already wasn't. Taylis simply walked into the room and began to throw stuff around. The prince was going to die anyway, so why keep the room. Taylis saw plenty of swords and weapons on the walls. It was the perfect opportunity. Taylis looked upon the collection. Taylis was walking rather fast down the halls. She had revenge held in her eyes. She would not accept that the prince would still have a room. Taylis rushed past many guards, who some went to try to stop her, but were threatened by the gun she still had on her. They would continue but were instructed not to do so. Taylis opened the throne room's door with such force it could have fallen off. The Duke and Elias jumped from their sorrow filled hug. The Duke immediately went into position to protect his already injured wife. His wife was shaking as she got closer. He could see the physical scars from the time she had spent on the ship. He couldn't bear to see his wife so scared in her own home. Taylis began to walk closer and closer to them with pure confidence. She knew that if she said so, Elias would come to her. Taylis looked upon the Duke and smiled. " I will say this only once, Elias. If you want your husband to live, then come by the side now." Taylis said as she pointed the sword to the Dukes heart. Elias's eyes widened as the threat registered. She did not want to see another person die after the millions she had seen before. Elias took no time to get up from behind her husband. She rushed to the side of Taylis. Taylis ordered that Elias would walk in front of her and towards the location of her choosing. Once they left, it was just like on the ship. The only choice she had was to do as Taylis said. The guards around them wanted to help but were dismissed by Elias, who knew they would only die trying. The Duke paced in the throne room. He had extreme worries for his wife. She was with the person who held her captive and for ransom. He knew that he hurt her extremely from both her reaction to seeing him and seeing her angry. Elias recognized where they were walking and feared for what she had found. Elias sadly was right with what was happening. She looked upon the door of her sons room. Well, what used to be her sons room. If he was being executed, they I guess it was no one's room. Elias was ordered to open the door. Taylis seemed to have more poison in her voice now than ever before. Elias was shocked to find out that it had been trashed and destroyed. Elias looked back at Elias to ask if she had done it. " Yes, I did it. All i want is for you to explain why the lying traitor gets the room of the loyal royal advisor. Then you can go back to your husband, " Taylis said, griping a sword. Elias tried her best to think of any reason that would make Taylis in the least bit happy, but all she did was stumble over her words. Taylis was not going to accept such an answer, so she stabbed her left leg. Elias knew it was coming, so she braced herself for the worst. That, however, did not prevent her from wanting to scream. Elias returned to her husband limping. His reaction was one of pure worry.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!next chapter might be a rather short one.

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