Chapter 17 - Unfortunate News

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             Elias woke up still chained to her bed. She had been chained up for 2 days now. It hurt her written no end as the metal dug into her skin. She had seen the bag of food that was dropped off last night. It had been a while since she had been given food, and she only had one water bottle left. They were not kidding when they said that she had to save her food. Elias could only look at the bag. She wished she could eat what was inside, but she could not. Of course, that was only when she was awake. She commonly decided to just sleep. It wasn't any better, though. The door was aldo unlocked to rub it in her face that was stuck. She hated it. It was a taunting freedom she wished would disappear. A feeling of worry began to overwhelm Elias body as she saw a horrifying figure approach her open door. Unfortunately, Taylis walked through the door with something in her hand. Taylis stood there in silence as Elias did the same. Taylis walked over to the chains that held Elias down. It felt nice to have her right hand free of the torment of the chain. She could only assume that she was being brought somewhere. Why else would Elias do this? Elias, however, was shocked to see Taylis pick up her chair and sit in it instead. Taylis suddenly began to talk and said, " So, your family sent a message as per my request. I guess they do love you. Thought we could listen to it together as you should know if they saved your annoying and horrible self or not." The message read out Dear Ocean Reaper, Per your request, the prince has been arrested and is on his way yo be executed. We expect to see our queen returned and safe. As for the second part of the agreement, you have partial right to the throne. You can only inherit the throne if we have no heir. We hope this can satisfy you and assure you that if you come, you have safe passage. Dear King of Doehills. Elias tried to hold her composure to not give Taylis even further what she wanted. She was, however, unable to hold back the fear that was evident on her face. It was a terrifying message to hear, especially from her captor. Taylis delighted in the horror filled face that Elias wore. It was all she wanted. Taylis got up and began to search the room as she was due a check. Elias knew exactly what Taylis was doing and was hoping there was nothing in her room. She only really was worried about her pictures as she expressed herself through them. She put the stuff on there that she could not say directly. Taylis stopped as she looked at the paper on the desk she provided. It had interesting drawings on it. Taylis picked up all of them and began to walk towards the door. Before she had fully walked out, she heard a faint noise coming from behind her. " I'm sorry... Please, ... Captain " Elias silently pleaded. Taylis just looked back and said, " I will be back with the acceptable ones." Taylis walked out of the door, and Elias broke  down in tears. Was her son really going to die?! No! She did not want that! She would rather die than have her family die instead! Not to mention, Taylis could  just kill any heir they had in order to reserve her seat as the next queen! It was a decision she feared would happen. Elias began to try to get up as she had to go to the bathroom but was stopped by the chain on her left hand. I guess she was not done with her punishment. Elias just climbed back onto the bed and cried into her pillow. Taylis was heading towards her office and was looking over the drawings. None of them were bad, just a few angered her. The pictures were of her family, the crew, Taylis old self, and a note. Taylis had finally made it to her office, where she sat on the chair before starting to read the letter. Dear Taylis, I am sorry for how you were accused and am sorry for how I treated the situation. I know now that you did nothing, and I was just being a naive fool. I wish I could make it up to you. From Elias. Taylis felt anger rise in her body as she continued through the note, but also sadness. That was a feeling she had not felt in years. was she really feeling sorry for that horrific fool? NO! She would never feel that way for HER! Taylis had to make sure Taylis suffered for even trying only now! Even further for the drawing! Just looking at her old self made her want to rip it apart. It was not who she was anymore, so she wished never to see the weak idiot who was too naive to see how evil the people she was helping really were. Not to mention, the royal family was a true representation of evil. Taylis simply sifted through the papers and threw away almost all of them. The only ones she kept were one of Taylis daughter, one of her family, and the note which had in writing underneath it If only you did this years ago your apology would be accepted, but now its far too late. Taylis only had the intention of returning the note and picture of her daughter. The family she would use to play darts with. Taylis began to walk back to the room that Elias was in. As she got closer and closer she heard the sound of silent crying. She knew that Elias broke down days ago, but never got to see it as Elias always put on a brave face. Taylis stood in the doorway and watched as Elias cried into the sheets. It was a beautiful scene that brought a great smile to Taylis face. She loved knowing she was able to get to Elias. Taylis entered the room after a few minutes. Elias heard someone walking towards her room and looked over at the door to see Taylis. Elias quickly dried up the tears on her face and watched as Taylis dropped two papers down and grabbed the bag of food on the desk. She walked over to Elias and began to unchain her. Once she was unchained all she wanted to do was stand up and run to the desk, but she knew that she could not do so until Taylis left. Luckily Taylis left quickly, but she also left with the bag of food. Elias just accepted that she was not going to eat that night or maybe anytime soon. Elias hurried over to the desk and looked down on the two papers. Elias was quite disheartened that she no longer had any pictures of her family, but she did have a picture of her daughter still. The other paper she recognized as the note she wrote as a last minute chance of trying to get through to her old friend. It seemed to have something written on it towards the bottom. Elias read it hoping it was a response. The response however only made Elias more and more hopeless. Was she too late to apologize? Elias just went back to the to try to sleep off the feelings of stress she had. Elias however could not do so as her stomach started to hurt with unbearable pain. Elias had no idea why until she realized that she had not eat since being chained to the bed. Elias looked over to where her food was before she remembered that Taylis took it. Why did Taylis take it? What did Elias do to deserve it? Well besides murdering her daughter. Elias just sat down in her seat and looked over the picture of her daughter before passing out due to exhaustion.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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