Hello My Hate

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When I woke up I was comfortable and really warm. I pull my arms above my head to stretch and jump when I hit something. I swiftly look up at Andy who is smiling in a painful way. 

"Good morning," he mumbles. Then I realize I'm lying on his arm. I quickly sit up. 

"You stayed here all night?" I ask, suddenly breathless. 

"Really it was only six hours... Yeah I stayed over." 

"I'm sorry!" I blurt, remembering my request. 

"It's okay, you snore in your sleep by the way." He chuckles. 

"Oh God, I do don't I?" I turn a bright, embarrasing red. 

"Let you in on a secret, I drool," he says and grins. Suddenly Andy jumps up on us both and drowns us in plenty of doggy slobber. 

"I like Andy," Andy says, straining his neck away. 

"It's only a coincidence that he shares the same name," I say defensively even though he hasn't said anything. Andy raises an eyebrow while petting my dog. 

"Never crossed my mind that it wasn't." 

"Well that's good... because it wasn't..." He notices my discomfort. 

"You want some breakfast?" he asks. 

"Our house hasn't much to offer in the way of food..." 

"I was thinking I'll treat you." He pauses, "But maybe I should wash this off." 

"Second door on the left." I direct him and manage to get to heap I call a pet off of him. I take my dogs face in my hands. 

"What am I going to do with you?" In response he licks my face. 

Ten minutes later Crystal thunders into my room, her face like pure rage. But anything she says can not possibly ruin my mood. 

"He stayed over?! That emo faggot stayed over?!"

"Crystal, shut the hell up. You probably had a lot of people staying over." I roll my eyes. 

"Yeah but they're normal. I walked into the bathroom and he was taking off makeup."

"Crystal, if you haven't noticed. He's not freaking normal! Who the hell is?! Now I'm sure you have a big mess to clean up." 

"Not me, you," she retalliates. 

"I didn't have the party. I was out for most of it. Ask your friends to do it." I roll off of my bed and push past her. I grab a t-shirt and panties and go out to the bathroom, of which Andy is just exciting. His face looks raw. He smiles at me and sees the panties I'm holding in my hand. I drop my hand. 

"Ignore the bitch in my room and make yourself at home," I say and walk in and be as quick as I can scrubbing Andys fine art off. I pull on my clothes and back out to Andy. He's in the middle of a screaming match with Crystal. Well actually she's the one screaming, Andy can't get a word in edge ways. He looks at me with an exasperated expression.

"Get your skinny ass out of my house, you faggot. How dare you come in here uninvited, looking like that."

"Looking like what? You're the one wearing normal people clothes," he tuts. Obviously Crystal hasn't realized who he is and that he has a massive army of fan girls who would tear her to pieces. I tug on Andy's arm.

"Come on, Andy. Lets leave her before hell freezes over." I pull him out. 

"Damn, I was winning that one," he mutters and I spew with laughter. 

"Yeah, leave and go do something... emo," she screams at us. 

"Crystal..." I'm about to tell her who Andy is but I smile to myself and continue down the steps, "That doesn't exist." Once we're outside I notice Andy is without a shirt and I doubt people will take kindly to him like that, so I shrug out of the hoodie he originally gave me. I hand it to him. 

"Hell, it might be too big on you." 

"Nope, that was a present." He refuses to take it. 

"A present that I wish to be returned," I say and smile, thrusting it in his hand. He sighs and puts it on. He zips it up and it stops just under his belly button, but is baggy on him. 

"God, you're tall," I feel like a midget. To make me feel so much better he puts his elbow on my head. 

"New job, Andy Biersack elbow rest!" he exclaims and goes behind me, proceeding to put both of his elbows on my head.

"Now you're just showing off," I grumble. 

"So you know any good places?" he asks, cheerfully, uneffected by Crytals words. 

"If you like pancakes, yes," I say and lead him towards mainstreet. 

"Good thing I like them."

"No skippy's peanut buter I'm afraid."

"You watched them?" he asks, looking down at me. 

"Well what type of crazy stalker fan would I be if I didn't." I pause, "You should make more videos with Chance. I died laughing."

"Well I won't then," he says and laughs at my crushed expression, "Because you died. That won't happen again." My phone suddenly starts blaring. I quickly answer it. 

"Hi Mom!" I say hurriedly. 

"Hey, honey! How are you? I can't seem to get you while you're in the house..."

"I know, I went to a concert..." I say, biting my lip immediately. 

"Did you go with friends? You know how I feel about you out on your own..." She is about to begin a rant.

"Yes, Mom. I went with very close friends," I say and Andy starts grinning. 

"Since when?! Oh honey, this is great! Bring them over sometime. I'd love to meet them!" I visualize my Mom seeing Black Veil Brides in their stage do right in the middle of the kitchen and attemptnot to laugh. Andy notices this and makes the most ridiculous face ever. I had to laugh. 

"What's so funny?" she asks.

"Nothing, Andy did something funny," I catch his eye.

"Oh good, you're bringing him on a walk, listen your father is about to be pulled over. Stay safe and I'll be checking up on you." She hangs up and I don't know whether to take that as a threat or not. Andy raises an eyebrow.

"The ever protective mother?" he asks.

"The ever enthusiastic mother that I've made friends." I roll my eyes.

"No better people than us, eh?" 

I smile and pull him into the coffee shop place that do amazing pancakes. I'm having breakfast with Andy Biersack. How many people can say that?! 

*   *  *

Old news in from Andy's Dad. Due to Andy's injuries he'll miss a bit of warped tour for health reasons. He is really upset over this because he grew up around warped and means a lot to him. But he may be there, depends on how fast he heals. 

The video at the side is a short video of Chance and Andy of which I love and wish they continued. 

But anyway, enough nattering. Let me know if you like, so I know your opinions. *virtual huggies for reading* <3

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