Smoke and Mirrors

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"You lied! They do have skippy's peanut butter," Andy says and spoons a heap of peanut butter. 

"They must have known you were coming," I say and slop syrup over a mountain of pancakes. 

"No way you'll finish them," he says and sits back, peanut butter spoon in hand. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Wanna bet?" 

Twenty minutes I'm leaning back and smirking at a very suprised Andy. 

"I was wrong," he admits. 

I belch loudly and turn bright red when people look at me. I sink down in my seat, face in hands. I look up slightly and see Andy laughing. I kick him under the table. 

"Sorry," he pauses and smiles, "Got a bit of syrup on your face." He gestures towards my chin. I rub it off.


"So what's up next?" he asks, leaning forward. 

"I have no clue. You lost, you treat me." 

He nods with a playful look on  his face, "Fair enough." He quickly pays and pulls me to my feet. 

"Where are we going?" I ask, following his long strides. He grins at me.

"How would you like to spend a day in the shoes of BVB?"

"Should I be scared?" I ask.

"Most probably. We have a bit to walk." 

I gasp dramatically and stop in my tracks, "Walk?! I cannot walk! You must simply carry me, sir," I say in my most snobbiest and sarcastic voice. 

"It'd be a pleasure, m'lady," he says and grins mischieveously and he picks me up and hoists me onto his back.

"Holy shit!" I feel really tall. I am looking down at everything. "You do know I was being sarcastic don't you?" I ask, placing my hands on his head. 

"I do indeed," he says, walking down with no struggle. 

"How long do you have to walk may I ask?"

"Not a clue," he responds, "Why? Uncomfortable?"

"Well you are very bony." I muse.

"Suck it up," he replies, grinning. I hold his hair back like reigns.

"Y'know you would look lovely with pig tails," I say, messing about with his hair. 

"Really? You gotta do it for me sometime."

"Will do."

"I'll hold you to it." 

By the time we arrived wherever we were going my ass had fallen asleep so when Andy let me down I topple over on my butt. 

"Balance isn't really your thing, is it?" he asks, extending  a hand. I let him pull me up.

"Not my fault your shoulders were bony." 

"I'll try and do something about it then." 

We're outside of a hotel and we go straight to the lift standing beside a very posh looking guy in a suit who seems nervous to have Andy the giant standing next to him. Andy flashes his teeth at the guy and as soon as the door opened the guy got out. 

"Is there something in my teeth?" He asks me. 

"Yup. I think bugs," I lie, grinning. Going down the hall Andy finally finds the room number 334 and knocks. 

"We're good! No maid service!" CC calls out. 

"It's me, man," Andy says. 

The door opens to reveal Ashley standing there with boxers on. He sees me and throws his hands up in the air.

"No one said Iris was here. Sorry Iris," he grumbles and goes back in to put on some pants. CC laughs at Ashley's disgruntled expression.

"I should go..." I say, feeling awkward. 

"Nah don't mind Ash, he just likes the natural feeling," Jake explains from the bathroom.

"Yeah, he only woke up," CC finishes. 

"I am still here you know?" Ashley asks and appearing back with pants. He waves at me. "Hi!" 

I laugh at his change of heart after he has pants on.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"As long as it includes staying in the hotel, anythingm" Ashley says.

"Jinxx is a little hungover," Jake adds, coming out. 

"Hold the little," a mumble erupts from a bundle of sheets in a bed. I have to laugh. "Sssh. Don't shout..." he groans. 

"Okay well out is out," CC states. 

"Well the DVD you dropped is still in our possession," Ashley shrugs. 

*  *  *

Bit of a boring chapter but I have to let the relationship bloom xD 

Andy is going to Warped on Friday, or so he says.

Myself and a load of BVB army members put together a get well soon video to send to Andy. He replied saying, "Watching this video just inspired me so fucking much... thank you BVB armyThank you."

The video at the side is the one he replied to. Guess who I am, hint batman tee (: 

- Amy (:

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