Fallen Angels

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Andy POV

I'm putting on my make up and looking out the window at the back of the bus, grinning at Iris who is hugging Nathan Leone, singer of a band called Madina Lake. One of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Happiness is clear on her face as Jake helpfully took a picture of both of them. Iris thanks him as he was called to the stage. 

"Holy shit. I was going to pass out," I could hear Iris saying. 

"I could tell, you okay now?" CC asks, holding her elbow for support.

"So. Many. Famous. People," she says, dramatic pause after each word. Jinxx nudged me with his elbow. 

"Eyes down. We have a signing," he says, smiling. 

"Yeah. Yeah I know." I put the finishing touches on my eyes and I'm done. Ashley is only starting now, he's walking a shitload slower. I poke his side and he winces.


"Sore is an understatment." He rolls his eyes. "All good fun though."

"Oh yeah getting the crap beat out of you repeatedly is all good fun." I laugh and walk off. Iris immediately sees me and grins widely. She jumps on me.

"Thank you so much," she says, arms around my neck and legs wrapped around my hips.

"Not all me, thank you guys too."

"Oh I did," she says laughing. 

"Quite a thank you too..." Jake mutters. She doesn't jump down and I don't let go of her. CC coughs.

"Eh, we'll meet you by the tent..." he says and pulls Jake and Jinxx along. Crystal rolls her eyes and gets back on the bus, clearly irritated. Then of course I did the thing I was itching to do the whole way here. I kiss her. 

* * *


I grin walking away. Nice to see that Andy has actually found someone after Scout. Jinxx slaps me on the shoulder.

"Stop perving on them, man."

"I'm not perving. Just admiring," I say, looking behind me once more. They were still at it. 

"That was quick wasn't it?" Jake asks.

"Yeah, wasn't expecting that this soon," Jinxx says truthfully.

"You guys serious? Seen this all coming ever since he stayed over with her. I mean come on, it was obvious," I say disbelievingly. 

"You have a gift CC," Jake says, laughing. We reach the tent where Matt, our friend from D.R.U.G.S, was waiting to greet us. I could see a huge line of people waiting there and screaming when they saw us. I waved at the, causing more screams. Then Andy comes up behind us, Iris in hand. I hate to say this, but cute couple. The screams gets louder when Andy appeared. We went into the tent and start hugging, signing and taking pictures. 

* * *

Crystal POV

I am left alone on the bus with Ashley. Why didn't I go with Iris and the other emos? Oh yeah, I didn't want to be seen with them.

"Waiting on me darlin'?" he asks cockily, drawing lines down his neck. 

"You wish," I scoff. 

"I don't wish. You wish."

"You make no fucking sense," I say and cross my arms over my chest. He grins at me and walks up.

"Exactly. Now come on, this is your punishment right? Prepare to be punished," he grabs my arm and takes me off the bus.

"Let go of me you asshole," I wretch away from his grip to no avail.

"Kinky," he says without looking at me. Then puts his arm around my waist.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I screech. 

"Presenting my girlfriend to the world," he grins.

"You wouldn't..." I say and send him a full blown death glare.

"Wouldn't I?" The way he said that didn't let me doubt him. I hate him. So much. I will cut off the only valuable part of him in his sleep. I think he knew that from the glare but continues towards the tent. 

* * *

Iris POV

I honestly cannot believe what I was seeing. Ashley's arm is around Crystal's waist and walking leisurely towards the tent. What happened in the space of five minutes?! Crystal did not look happy in the slightest. But Ashley has a playful look on his face. Then I get it. He was messing with her. I was actually happy for that fact. Crystal was sent here as a punishment so... she's only getting a taste of her own medicin. I must thank Ashley later. He winks at me walking past. I stay at the back of the tent, watching the guys do their thing. No one looks happier than Andy signing and taking pictures. I could tell he loves this... loves his fans. My mind wanders to when he kissed me. My emotions were a blur. Of course I liked him. I wouldn't have kissed him back if I didn't. But really did he like me? Or did he just do that for the thrill of doing so? I don't know and I'm confused. All I knew was that I wanted his arms around me again, whether he likes me or not. Andy looks back at me and I stick my tongue out at him, grinning. God I love festivals.

* * *

I know a lot of POV's in this chapter but this was more of a time filler. 

Picture of Iris sticking her tongue out at the side. 

Let me know what you think!

*hugs* Thank you for reading xD

- Amy (:

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