Beautiful Remains

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Iris POV

Okay so the spitting didn't work and neither did the blunt 'Fuck You.' I barely cuss and it felt so good to say it to him. But when he hit me, he did it again and I passed out.

When I wake up it is bright and I realise I am in the middle of a forest. I am totally aware of Crystal standing in the sidelines. If she had pom poms I'm confident that she would have done a little victory cheerleading chant. He glares at me once I wake up. He starts whispering to Crystal, making sure I wouldn't over hear. I rock the chair I was in back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Then I feel it beginning to fall. Yes! Half way falling I stopped.

"You just won't give up, will you?" Davids harsh voice sneers at me and plants the chair up right. "You know what I'm going to do, slut, I'm going to torture you until you agree to leave Andy the fuck alone. He doesn't want you. Hell, nobody wants you. You're useless, stupid and in all honestly very annoying. And if you make this any harder than it is right now," he smiles, "Well lets just say I'd take great pleasure in watching your air supply cut off." 

"You didn't tell me you planned on killing her!" Crystal screeches.

"What did you think we were going to do?! Give her a slap on the wrists and let her go?"

"I thought we were just going to scare her..."

"We are scaring her, see. You said so yourself, you hate her. You wish she'd get what she deserved. If she's causing two people that much pain, why not eliminate the problem?" He walked towards her and traced the outline of her jaw, "Come on, you know you'd like her gone..."

"You're completely and utterly..." I held my breath, which wasn't hard under the rope, "wrong, you crazy fucker. That's my little sister you're talking about murdering! No fucking way are you laying on of your sick fingers on her."

He smiles and shakes his head, "I had a feeling you'd do that. You're of the same blood as her. I'm not surprised that you're as useless too."

"Watch who you're calling useless!" Then David swings at her and Crystal topples down to the ground. I rocked in the chair again, and move my wrists, trying anything to break free. 

He wipes his lip and sees me, "Oh hell no, you're not getting away from me." 

Andy POV

"Watch who you're calling useless!" I hear Crystals voice loud and clear. Then a thud. CC had gotten the guys through the night and they all didn't hesitate to run after me to the sound of Crystals voice. We have been looking all night and we are now in the woods nearby. I stop in my tracks at what I see. Iris tied up on a chair, a guy with his back turned to us, Crystal in a heap on the ground and the unmistakable gleam of a knife in the guys hand. I didn't think. I just did. I tackled him to the ground as Jake and CC ran past me to untie Iris. But CC trips over my leg on the way, caught himself on Iris's chair, causing the chair with Iris in it to topple over. Jinxx pulls CC up on the way over to Crystal who is beginning to wake up. Ashley holds the guys arms down and throws the knife well away.  

"Well that was very graceful," CC mutters, taking the rope off of Iris, who is still sprawled on the ground. I jump up and pick Iris up, holding her by her waist.

"You okay? If he hurt you..." 

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I don't know about Crystal..."

"I'm fine," she mumbles, looking over at David who is struggling against Ashley and now Jakes grip. She looks at Iris.

"I'm so sorry." 

Iris doesn't say anything, she just nods at her. She buries her face in my neck and I hold her up firmly. 

"Get off of him!" the guy screeches at Iris, "He hates you."

"You have got that seriously messed up, dude," Jake mutters. 

"You love me, you said so!" he shouts at me. And suddenly I remember. The guy at the signing earlier. 

"That was when I loved you as a fan. I love every single fan. But that was a fucked up thing to do."

"You don't mean that," he screams. Jinxx stands up.

"I'm going to get security." 

Soon enough they take him off, kicking and screaming. Crystal slept on the couch and needless to say, Iris stayed up in my bunk with me later. I didn't make it to the show. We were looking for Iris during our time. Luckily Asking Alexandria filled the sopt with us, explaining that we were on a recue mission. I still feel guilty. The I look down at Iris and think that if the guys and I had done the show she wouldn't be here. 

* * *

Thank you for reading and let me know what you think.

I'm going camping for the next few days so don't give up on me!


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