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Andy POV

Feeling really crappy about the whole ordeal. It was for the best. Wasn't it? It didn't help that Jake and CC keep sending me little looks of guilt.

"Stop! Please!" I finally say. 

"Stop what?" Jake asks innocently, while CC continues the looks. I roll my eyes and face plant a pillow.

"Why'd you ditch her dude?" Jinxx asks.

"Oh not you too," I mumble into the pillow.

"Actually me three and I'm pretty sure Ash four. If he was conscious." Jinxx pokes Ashley's sleeping face and he makes this weird little noise but does not wake. 

"She's too good for you, man," CC says with a tsking noise.

"I know." 

"Then why did you do that?" Jake asks me. My head was pounding and my heart felt like it had heaved up to my mouth.

"For her. It was just a crush for her. She deserves someone who will be able to be there for her." 

Then it's silent.

"It didn't seem like a crush," Jake finally says and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from heaving. She'd be fine without me. And I am determined that I will see her again. Whether it was a crush for her or not. 

Iris POV

To say my parents were angry was an understatement. My parents were convinced that they would have to send Crystal for neurological testing. I think they were convinced she was bipolar. To be honest, I was too. They sent Crystal upstairs, saying they would talk later and made a fuss of me. That's when I broke down. I felt pathetic that I was masking my crying into my Dad's shoulder, slow and pathetic sobs. I felt like Bella in New Moon - yes I did read the books, sue me - being stupid and mourning over the loss of Edward. Stupid comparison. I mentally kick myself for that comparison. I am no babling heap of sorrow and Andy surely didn't sparkle. I bite my tongue to stop anymore tears flowing. They thought I was crying because of what happened with Crystal and David when in fact it was because of Andy. So I quickly go upstairs to be greeted by Andy. He laps at my face.

"You won't leave me eh Andy?" I say as his tail whacked me in the face. My tears dry up and I make a promise to myself that I wouldn't cry again and I think I'll stick to that. I ain't no Bella. Besides one text from Jake saying that Andy was an idiot and he didn't mean anything by it that's all the word I got. The rest of the summer went by too quickly. Crystal was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was given meds. So when she randomly came into my room one day and gave me a hug I was surprised to say the least. But that didn't mean that she hung out with me more or pass remarks. I guess that's just my sister. The day before school I was walking Andy and I heard and saw a noisey van disappear down the road. I pulled out my phone.

Saw a van that was like BVBs. Hopefully I'll see the real thing soon.

* * *

I know it's short! Don't kill me D: D: 

As always thank you for reading and let me know what you think.

I have two points to make.

1: I am NOT finished this. WAY more to come. So hopefully that's good news :3

2: I have a non private Facebook of which you are free to add if you want. Find me at: Amy MusicMania WaybiersackLeonegaskarth


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