Rebel Love Song

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Crystal POV

I hate them. I hate Iris and her stupid goody goody shoe attitude. I hate my parents for sending me with them to a fucking field with no good music to listen to. I roll my eyes, they are taking so fucking long. I see one of the members of the emo crew walking towards me, my bag lugged on his back. No way am I going to carry it. I was sent here as a punishment, I am going to act like a punishment. He drops the bag at my feet.

"What did you pack? Fucking rocks?" He flicks his way too long black hair out of his shades. What was this ones name? There was Andy... CC was it? What type of fucking name was that? CC. Sounded like a porn star name. Chlamydia Curse or something shitty like that? Then what did the tall one call the emo I fell on? Jinxx? Fucked up names. Two left. Not that I cared, but I want their names so I can at least name my tormenters.

"What are you looking at?" I snap at the guy who carried my bags.

"The sign behind you. Oh you disappointed now?" He takes off his shades. Actually, he was kinda hot... To be honest Andy was too. Not going to say anything about the rest of them. But the day I walked in on Andy in the bathroom, I honestly thought for a moment in my hungover state that I wanted that in my pants. Obviously not now that he is so engrossed in my goodie good sister. 

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Why? You interested?" A smile plays on his lips. 

"No," I scoff, "Curious."

"Ashley," he says and turns around as Andy and Iris finally come out. Jeez, what happened? He get his head stuck through the roof? I roll my eyes at their state. Iris is sluttily swinging on his arms and he's smiling down at her. I want to gag. Ashley notices what I'm looking at. 

"Too lovey dovey for your rock like-ness?" he muses.

"I am not rock like!" I snap. He is getting on my nerves.

"Keep telling yourself that, darlin'." 

Did he seriously just call me darlin' ? I stomp on his foot in my five inch wedges and I can tell you it would not have been pleasant. But he just grimaces, which was not the reaction I was looking for. I was looking for him crumbling to the ground and screaming. But no. He just had to take it like a man. He smirks at me and walks past me. I cough, and he turns around. I point to my bag on the ground.

"My bag?"

"Exactly, yours." He wiggles his eyebrows and continues walking. I can tell that the other emos are trying not to laugh so I give them all glares. The guy on the plane was good. But not that good. Until Andy walked in on us. What a fucking perv. The guy ran off as soon as the doors opened, probably intimidated by the giant that is Andy. To tell you the truth. I am a little uneasy around him as well. I don't like to feel small. I see Ashley heading towards a bus that Iris and Andy have just gotten on. His ass is actually pretty nice to look at... He looks behind him without turning around and licked between his pointer finger and middle finger and smirked. He continues onto the bus. How dare he do that! He is not licking any part of me. 

Ashley POV

I couldn't help it. I really couldn't. She was there checking out my ass. I could feel her eyes on my ass so I really couldn't resist giving her a pussy licking motion. Her facial expression on her face was hilarious and it took all my will power not to laugh. Jake gives me a look, concerning my rather amused face. I wave a hand at him and look around the bus. Pretty nice. A lot bigger than our van back home. It is actually pretty warm on the bus so I took off my shirt and flop down on the couch. Jinxx smacks my head while walking past. Crystal appears finally, lugging her bag behind her. I found it heavy so wonder how she thinks it. But admiringly she gets it up the steps by herself because she declines help offered by Andy. I am kinda glad she denied it too, she was bending over and her top was pretty low. 

"Avert your eyes, Ash," CC says, rolling his eyes at me. Know me too well. The doors close behind her as the driver pulls off. Iris stays up front with Andy, resting her head on his shoulder. He wouldn't shut up about her when we left for tour. They've barely known each other five minutes and they have little looks every few seconds. It was too lovey dovey for me really. 

"What time we on?" Jake asks anyone who knows the answer. 

"Seven. Merch tent signing at five thirty," Andy replies without looking back, keeping his eyes on Iris. Sure Iris was cute and all but a little too tame and innocent for me. Nice girl and all. But Crystal. One of the hottest babes I've ever seen. She kicks me when sitting down across from me.

"Can't get enough of me huh?" I say lazily. I get another kick to the ribs. She can pack a kick with those wedges. Man, I'm going to have fun annoying her. I look over at her, clearly seeing hate radiating from every pore. I smiled. A lot of fun. 

* * *

I know! Different POV's but I couldn't resist!

Let me know what you think!

I am uploading like mad so be expecting more up soon.

Find me on twitter @NOMyourfaceNOM

Thank you for reading! *hugs*

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