Set The World On Fire

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Iris POV

"Why is your sister parading in front of us in awful dresses?" Jesse whispers to me, making sure Crystal wouldn't hear us from the changing room.

"Maybe for us to lie to her to tell her that she doesn't look like a stuffed olive," I whisper back and Jesse spews with laughter. Crystal's voice appears.

"Red head, help Iris find a decent dress. I still have to try these on."

"Why am I getting a dress?!" I shout in at her. I could literaly hear her rolling her eyes.

"The dance in school? You need a dress, duh," she says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Me? Dance? Dress? You have to be kidding me. 

"I have never gone to a dance in my life and I want to keep it that way," I say firmly. 

"Listen, I know dances aren't your scene, but this year is a new year yeah? So you're going to make a new name for yourself."

"I like the name I have for myself..." We both knew I'm lying. 

"Right... Please get red head to help you pick out a few dresses and try them on. Do not make a decision until I see them on you, okay?" 

"Wow you're giving me this much freedom? I would have thought you would have picked out all my dresses," I say. 

"I'm a little tied up. I'll help you out this time if you tell me that I do not look like a stuffed olive." 

Jesse's eyes flash to me in alarm and I just laugh. "You want to help?"

Jesse nods eagerly, "I haven't got a sister, a brother, so it'd be kinda awkward if I went dress shopping with him..."

I laugh and went over to a row of dresses. Five minutes later and I'm already tired. Jesse keeps looking.

"You're looking for yourself too, right?" I ask. She gives me a confused expression.

"It's an only senior dance..." she says, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"Well, dear Jesse, I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to the dance." I smile.

"But you're only allowed bring a date," she states even more confused.

"Who says a friend can't be a date? Come on, it will basically be just me standing there like an awkward penguin in a God awful dress if you don't come," I pout and she laughs. 

"God awful dress? Well I don't know about that..." she pulls out a dress with a flourish. "Tada!" 

"Well that isn't half bad..." I say, looking at it. She pushes it into my hands.

"Try it on, I'm looking for Jesse girl now." She smiles, genuinely happy that she's going to a seniors dance. I wish I could be so happy about it.

"Wow." The word escapes Jesse's lips as I stood there awkwardly in front of Jesse and Crystal, waiting to be judged. Crystal taps her chin and circles me. 

"Gives you curves that you do not have, shows some skin without looking like a slapper, your colour..." She pauses and nods at me, "Not too bad. I suggest this one. All you need is a pair of heels." 

"Heels? I draw the line at heels," I say as Jesse's and Crystal's faces drop. "I have never and will never wear heels. You're lucky you got me into a dress, heels is just pushing it." 

Crystal sighs, "Fine." She looks at Jesse who is clutching a dress, "Red head, lets see what you've got," she snaps and Jesse runs into the changing room, fearing her own life.

"You could be at least a little nicer to my friends."

"Friend, honey. Singular. And where's the fun in being nice?" 

Ashley POV

We have a show in Toronto tonight and Andy seemed pretty pumped. He is jumping around, getting rid of pre show jitters. Can't blame him, there is a big crowd. 

"Lalalalalalalalalalala!"  Andy is singing tunelessly while jumping around in a circle.

"Is he okay?" I ask Jinxx who was tuning her guitar. 

"Nervous I guess."

"About the show?" 

Jinxx shrugs, "Or about life? Life's a nervous thing if you think about it." 

I raise an eyebrow. Jinxx laughs, "Nah I kid, I'm guessing he's just hyper, happy, nervous. It's Andy, it could be a mixture." 

Andy starts doing jumping jacks. CC did a funny little jiggy dance behind Andy's ass while he was doing jumping jacks. I have to laugh. 

Yeah it was Andy, you couldn't know with that guy. 

"You okay Andy?" I ask. He nods.

"Fine! Just happy as fuck, y'know? Just can't wait to get out there!" he grins. Matt, our friend from D.R.U.G.S who was opening for us, then came in a tells us we were going on. I slap Andy's back.

"Don't have to wait any longer, eh?" 

* * *

Thank you for reading and sorry for the delay!

Just so you know I will be going back to school on Monday so I might get the story done before hand, then again I might not. Depends on how much time I have. If I don't get it done it might be a long wait in between chapters because it's an exam year for me. I think that I am doing the equivilant to GCSE's in the UK... Not sure about the US... It's a big state exam known as the Junior Cert in Ireland. Why am I blabbing about this?

As always thank you so much for reading and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Bye! (:

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