Children Surrender

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Crystal POV

My head is pounding. I have a killer headache and I can't remember shit. So of course when you see an arm draped over you you're gonna get a little concerned yeah? But when I see black paint on the arm, I freak a little more. Ashley sees me freaking and pulls a face. 

"You don't remember anything huh?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I say and jump up, so glad that I am fully dressed. 

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything," he says. 

"Even in my drunken state I wouldn't do anything with you!" I spit at him. He rubs his face with his hands, hiding a grimace. What? 

He stands up and walks down the bank. 

"Where are you going?" I shout down to him. He turns around and keeps walking back wards. 

"Since you can't remember anything, you have no reason to actually want to talk to me," he shrugs and continues walking. What the hell happened that I couldn't remember? And why did I feel bad about his retreating figure? I put a hand to my head to do anything to stop my pounding headache. I struggle down the bank, blinded by the sun. I opened my mouth to give out but then realized that there was no one to give out to. I see my sister walking to a tent.

"Iris!" I screech. She jumps. Jeez she gets scared easily. "Where the hell are you going?!"

"To a Young Guns signing..." she replies timidly. I had really scared her. She looks at me closely. "Hangover?" 

I rub my eyes, "Yeah. Bad one." She takes my arm and pulls me in the opposite direction.

"Where you taking me?" I ask, she gives me a small smile afraid of my reaction.

"Something to help with the hangover," she says. I'm surrounded by loud music and the smell of food.

"Food does not help..." I mutter. Then I'm over whelmed by the smell of coffee. 

"Mocha and hot chocolate please." Iris fishes money out of her pocket and hands me the mocha. I don't say thanks and just drank it. We walk back through the tents and stuff. 

"I thought you were going to a Young Buns signing?" I ask, taking another sip. So damn good. 

She shrugs, "There'll be another one tomorrow..." She sounds unsure. 

"Oh right." I don't believe her. "So where's lover boy?" 

She looks at me, "Who?"

I roll my eyes, "Emo giant. Don't play dumb." 

This time she rolls her eyes, "At a meet and greet. When are you gonna stop with the stupid insults?"

"When I run out of stupid insults," I say. Iris laughs and I almost stop in my tracks. I am actually talking to her and not screaming at her. It's kind of nice... for a change... 

Andy POV

"You know where Ash is?" Jake asks me, over his shoulder. I shrug. I don't want to rat out Ash about him and Crystal sucking face. "Nevermind," he says as Ash walks up. He looks pissed and not the alcohol involved one. 

"You okay, man?" I ask as he comes into the tent.

"Yeah, fine," he says and looks at me, realizing I had seen last night. He shook his head, signaling something I couldn't make out. I'm just guessing by the size of the bottle that Crystal had been drinking out of, she didn't remember anything. 

"Dude, can I talk to you for a min?" I ask him.

"Sure..." We go out to the back of the tent. He rolls his eyes at me, "I know I know what you're gonna say, you saw me last night and you're as confused as fuck. Afraid to say that I am too." 

"She not remember?"

"Nope," he popped the P. "Kinda glad too, she let me in on stuff I'm guessing she never told anyone else or even her sober state realized. She'd be fuck angry if she knew I knew."

"You're pissed," I state obviously. He laughs.

"No. Not pissed. Annoyed, slightly. But not pissed. C'mon meet and greet time eh?" 

I leave it at that. If Ash doesn't want to talk he wouldn't. 

By the time the meet and greet has ended my ribs are sore from the amount of bone crushing hugs I got. 

"Iris off at a signing, yeah?" Jinxx asks me.

"Young Guns."

"How about her sister?" CC asks.

"Probably passed out in a bush," Ash replies. The guys all looked at me in question and I shrug. Playing dumb. 

* * *

One year anniversary for We Stitch These Wounds!

Let me know what you think.

Big thank you to ava170 for helping with this chapter, go fan her! xD


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