Chapter Five-Part 6

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There was a snow plow that rattled along the parking lot, startling them both awake. They awoke tangled and to an eye squinting bright light. He cursed as he jumped out of bed to yank the curtains closed. With the sun safely hidden, Stevie removed her hands from in front of her eyes. She groaned and stretched at the same time.

She rolled over on to her stomach and watched as Mick pulled on his jeans. She had a rush of emotions flood her at the sight. She had just experienced a night, so full of passion she wasn't sure she would ever be able to have sex again and not have it fall short every time.

She had let herself forget that this was a guy who would be out of her life in a few hours. It was time to face it for what it was. A one night stand with the awkward morning after.

As she debated on what to say he got dressed, as he pulled on his boots he said, "Um..." He stuck his tongue in his cheek and then looked her in the eye and said, "We didn't use protection that last time." As he stared at her, she thought, yep, the classic morning after.

"I'm on the pill, and I'm clean. I get tested, plus despite what happened, I don't sleep around with just anybody."

He shuffled his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets, "I'm clean as well, just had my annual checkup a few weeks ago and haven't been with anybody since."

"Then were good, no worries." She swung her feet over the side of the bed and stood up. Despite herself, she felt the thrill of it when his eyes travelled up and then down her body and longing filled them. "I'll just get dressed and we can get on the road." As she walked by him, he stopped her and lowered his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle but firm, when he released her, her head spun. She expected him to take her back to bed, but instead he said, "I'm glad your car got stuck."

"Me too." She waited for his lips to come back down on hers, for his hands to touch the places that were screaming out to him, but instead he pulled on his winter coat and said, "I'm going to check the road conditions grab us something to eat and when I get back we will hit the road."

"Okay, sounds good." She tried to sound excited but wasn't sure if she hid the disappointment in her voice or not, either way, he still walked out the door.

In the truck, she had mixed feelings and wondered if he had them as well. They were eating up ground quick and she knew they would be back at her car rather soon. "I never asked where you were headed when you got stuck in the storm," she said, wondering about him.

"I have some business to handle in Kansas City actually," he said, glancing at her.

"Huh, funny. How long will you be in town?"

"Not sure, I have a base there but I travel a lot and have several bases."

"What do you do?"

"I'm a business man."

"What kind of business?"

"I dabble in this and that." He glanced at her and said, "What are you heading into KC for?"

"I have a few reasons."

"Yeah, any you care to share?"

"Oh mainly business reasons like yourself, I have a personal mission to achieve."

He grunted as his cell phone rang. "I need to take this, it's the first my cell has had reception in days." He clicked the answer button and said, "Hello."

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