Chapter Twenty-Part 21

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Once at the hotel, Stevie flopped down on the bed and just wished for the day to be over. She knew she would have to put in a few more hours that afternoon. With Mick at that. She had stayed up most of the night going over the area they would be building, looking at competitors hotels. Seeing what appealed to the tourist. She already knew she wanted to do something different from the current hotels on the island. It of course would have to be at the level of MB Hotels.

She already had a working portfolio going, one that might have to be scratched and tossed after actually seeing the land, but she felt more confident going in with some research. Or had felt more confident. Now she was a nervous wreck about even being in the same room as Mick let alone spending a few hours with him and showing him her ideas.

Yet she couldn't afford to dwell over their personal issues, not right now. She needed to put in more research and time before Mick got back, she wanted to be at her best and show him her finest professional side this afternoon. She was going to make sure they kept it professional on the site.

It was late that evening before Stevie found herself back in her room and alone for the first time in hours. As the door shut behind her, she broke out in dance. She couldn't stop the grin that spread across her face. Oh she would have to call Kat, she had nailed it.

Even though the tension had been thick between Mick and her, he had loved her ideas, so had Lance, the architect he had hired. She had so many more ideas she needed to get down, play with, toy with, tweak this and that, but the place was coming together in her head. Mick, Lance and her had spent hours going over their ideas for the building, they had drawn prints together. The architect was brilliant, and he loved her tweaks to enhance how the rooms would flow, how they would view the outside. A few of her ideas he had cursed, had to redo a part of the structure to the building to incorporate it if Mick was on board.

Of course there had been ideas Mick had shot down, but overall it was a very successful afternoon. This project was due to start in August, if all the permits went through in time. If they could keep the current hotel on schedule, they would wrap up by June, giving her time to go home for a short while before going to Georgia for the next part of a year. Mick would tell her she wouldn't need to come out until the building was up, a couple months, but she wanted to be there from the get go.

Mick and her had worked well together, they had both left personal issues out of the afternoon and evening. She smiled and gave another little dance to the fact that she hadn't screwed things up professionally for herself by sleeping with him. She might have messed up their personal relationship but they both knew it was only temporary anyway.

She had wished for more time with him but would take what they had and cherish it. He was a man she would never forget, one because she hoped to work on future projects with him, but two because he was the first man she ever felt more for. She couldn't say it was love, even though her heart beat faster at the thought. But her connection with him had been more than it ever had with anyone else. However Stevie knew now they couldn't go back, not if they were going to work well in the future together.

Mick finished up his last meeting, not only for the day but for his time in Georgia. It was Thursday afternoon, their last day in town, they would leave early Friday morning to head back to Kansas City. He had had a crazy week in town, everything in Georgia was falling into place nicely, but other parts of his business needed his seeing to, going away with no notice put a strain on other areas of his business, ones that would take a few days when he got back to fix. Being away was also putting a strain on his personal life.

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