Chapter Seven-Part 8

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Over the next few weeks, Stevie focused on the blue prints of the hotel, she focused on the dimensions and angles. She was constantly adjusting an idea. When she wasn't awake pouring over color schemes and fabrics, she was asleep dreaming about them.

She often dreamt about what she had done during the day, often the dream had turns of her picking the most horrible choice, in paint color, or fabric material. What she was unable to escape was that fact that her dreams always, every night ended in her going to Mick, touching him, breathing him in, and taking him in. Sometimes, the dreams held place on her fabrics, or her poster boards, other times it was in his big office, often on his desk overlooking downtown KC. But most often it was back in that small motel room with the shabby light and squeaky bed.

She woke every morning with a want that grew stronger at each passing hour. Seeing him was fuel to the fire. At the current stage of the project they didn't have a whole lot of need to communicate. They only ran into each other if they were both checking on something in the hotel at the same time. He once called her into his office for a meeting, but all the other departmental heads had been there as well.

She sat at her small office now with her feet on her desk and hands behind her head thinking about the way he moved, how his jeans tightened over his rear. She knew fantasying about him was a mistake, but chalked it up to the fact that he was the last man she had slept with. A girl had needs, and if she satisfied them by thinking about him, so be it. It wasn't as if she was acting on them, as if she was jeopardizing there working relationship.

When her cell phone rang, she jumped in her seat. She rolled her eyes at herself for being so jumping and answered the phone.

"This is Stevie."

"Hey Stephanie, its Kathryn." Stevie's lips drew into a tight line at her sister's voice. It was against Kathryn's policy to call her sister Stevie, even if that is what she preferred. She had and always would call her by her given name it appeared.

"Hey Kat, what's up?"

"I just miss my little sister is all."

Stevie felt instantly bad for her annoyed thoughts and said, "Oh Kat, I miss you too."

"How's the job going? Is it as exciting as it was the first few days?" The last time Stevie had called her sister had been a few day's into the project and she'd been over the moon excited about it.

"Kat, it is even better. I have more free range and control than I ever thought possible."

"I thought you said the owner ran a tight ship?'

"He does, oh he does. But he seems to trust in the judgment of the people he hired. Even though he is constantly having me turn in my plans for final approval."

"How is that free range?" Kathryn asked.

"Because even though he seems to need to approve it all, he hasn't changed one fabric swatch, one color scheme, one floor plan." Stevie sighed and smiled before going on. "Kat, it's just great, and when this place is done, it will be the nicest hotel in Kansas City."

"I am surprised at you."

"What?" Stevie narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips.

"Just that you are working for somebody who seems stricter than others and yet here you are happier than ever."

"Well, it is annoying to have to check everything with him, but like I said, he hasn't changed a thing. So really, it hasn't been like working for anybody at all."

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