Chapter Sixteen-Part 17

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They found themselves in a rhythm as the next two weeks went on, they would work, sometimes together, sometimes they wouldn't see each other all day, but every night he wound up at her place, usually bringing dinner, or they would order up room service. Each night they made love, sometimes at a fast pace, one where neither of them could get their bearings, and other times it was slow and almost innocent. At times it was both.

On Friday night, when he came over later than usual, he found her in the bath, this time he was able to join her instead of curse her.

As they relaxed in the bubbles sipping wine, he realized how desperately he wanted her at his place. She hadn't been to his house. He wanted to share that part of himself with her.

"Come over tomorrow, I'll cook you dinner," he said and had her looking twice at him.

"You can cook?"

"I even manage not to burn down the house," he said with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't see you as the cooking type." She thought about him in the kitchen with an apron on. "Do you wear an apron?"

He frowned at her. "No, I don't wear an apron."

"Hum, bubble burst." He laughed with her as he found her foot in the soapy water. He brought it up and started to massage it.

"What do you say?"

"If you keep doing that I will say yes to anything." She moaned and leaned her head back on the tub sinking in further and closing her eyes. He ran his fingers down her shin and had goose bumps appearing.

"What do you say, dinner, my place, you can stay over after." His fingers were teasing and her mind was becoming foggy.

"Yeah, yes, that sounds good." She wanted him and desperately so. She sat forward and rocked her mouth over his. They took each other in the bath, water spilling over, and nearly drowning.

Stevie was running late, very, very late. She hadn't planned on working at all today, had told herself she would take the day off. Mick had to go into the office for a couple hours. She was going to relax, maybe go to Crown Center. Mick kept bugging her about going site seeing. In the end, she was a prisoner to her inspiration, it was genius. She had finally figured out the owner's suite, she had been toying with different ideas for weeks.

She hugged her portfolio folder knowing this one was perfect, not just for the hotel but for the owner himself. Stevie cursed the parking garage of her hotel as she searched for a spot. She wanted to get her overnight bag for Mick's place but was almost tempted to leave it. She was so late. She also needed to grab her cell phone. She had left it at home and wanted to call him to tell him she was running late.

She flew in and out of her hotel room in record seconds. On the way back to the car she noticed two missed calls. One from Mick and one from Kat. She couldn't get service in the garage and cursed.

As soon as she was out of downtown and headed toward Mick's place, she dialed his number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Are you lost?" His voice flowed over the phone and she could hear the irritation in it.

"I know I'm late. I'm sorry, but I'm on my way right now."

"What happened? I thought you were going to take it easy today," he said, remembering how soft and warm she looked in bed that morning when he had left her.

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