Chapter Eighteen-Part 19

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The next morning he woke still wrapped up with her. She was soft under his hands and he was tempted to wake her slowly. Her smell was wrapping itself inside of him, and he found that he liked it very much. He could wake up every day for the rest of his life like this and be a happy man. He lingered awhile longer, watching her sleep, thinking about the night they had shared. He knew he would have to share his past with her. It wasn't fair of him to want her to share her life with him, while he held back.

He hated talking about his father, it brought on a rage he didn't like knowing he had in him. He wanted more with her then a fling. He wanted a life with her. No, she didn't know it. He wasn't yet ready to tell her, hell she would turn tail and run if he told her now. But he wanted that life he could so easily picture with her.

They would work well together on projects, could travel together, and yet they could work separately, travel separately and still maintain that relationship. He wanted kids with her, and when the time came the traveling would have to be less, but he found he liked the idea of staying home, working less, being a family man.

Stevie sighed in her sleep and snuggled into him, he wrapped his arms more tightly around her. He wanted her to meet his Mom and Drew. It was he realized a thought that had been pricking at the back of his mind. Mick figured he would hold off on introducing them awhile yet, get her more warmed up to the idea of forever first. It was important to him that his family liked her, that she liked them. He just couldn't see them not hitting it off.

He sighed as he glanced at the clock it was nearing seven-thirty and he knew he had some work to go over. He wanted it out of the way before she woke, so he could spend the day with her. Work free, something they never did.

Mick wanted to take her on a hike and picnic. It was almost spring and the day was calling for seventy's. He could show her sights, she had yet to think about in Kansas. He wanted to take her sightseeing as well, he would have to decide on which they would do, but one way or another he was going to spend the day with her work free for both of them.

He eased out of bed, praying he wouldn't wake her. She never seemed to get enough sleep. He made it successfully out of bed, showered and into his office while she continued to sleep.

A couple hours later Stevie rolled over in bed and opened her eyes to find herself alone. She listened for the shower but it wasn't running this time. She glanced at the clock and noted that it was a quarter until ten.

She hadn't slept unil ten in months, she thought for a good moment about rolling over and going back to sleep. It would be so easy in the lake size bed that smelt so much of Mick. She didn't feel out of place waking up in his house and that more than anything set her on alert.

She knew better then to let herself get comfortable with a man, especially this man. She had dreams, goals to achieve and relationships got in the way. She sighed as she sat up in bed and looked around the room. The room was neutral colors mixed with dark grays and blacks, it suited his personality well. She had been thinking this very color scheme for his owner's suite.

She knew Mick, had gotten to know him well over the past months, and more so in the last few weeks. She knew his style, his taste, his moods, and even some of his future dreams for business. What she didn't know was his past, she knew a little of his mother and brother, but he held back from her when it came to his childhood.

Stevie couldn't blame him. She so often was guilty of the same.

Her brain was playing tug of war with her heart, she wanted to get to know him more, to see where they were going. Even as her brain told her to pull back, and it screamed at her that she would end up hurt and that her dream of being a well-known designer would be jeopardized.

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