Epilogue-Part 24

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"I can't believe this is where you wanted to go for our honeymoon," Mick said as he unlocked the motel room door.

"I can't believe we got the same room." Stevie said, bouncing next to him.

"I don't know why not. You had me reserve it the moment we started making wedding plans," he said, grinning at her.

"Oh, come on, let me in. I want to see if it's the same," Stevie said, trying to push past Mick, but instead he swept her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold.

Stevie giggled, "That's what you do with a new home."

"We will do it when we get home too."

"Oh, it's just the same." Stevie squealed as she dropped to her feet and looked around the small motel room.

"Did you think it wouldn't be?"

"I hoped it would be. I could have killed you for rushing our wedding, a June wedding. With barley two months to plan it, but it was perfect and this place is perfect."

He looked around as he wrapped his arms around her, "You want to buy it? Fix it up? Put the MB stamp of approval on it?" he asked her with a glint in his eyes.

"Oh no, Mick. We can't do that. It has to stay the same, or get worse like it should." It wouldn't be our place if it was any different." Stevie grinned.

"True enough, we've got a few hours until our dinner date at the diner."

"I still can't believe you found that old married couple. That you have them meeting us for dinner tonight."

"I wanted to see them again as much as you. I wanted to ask them what they saw in us, before we saw it," Mick said, bringing her closer, drawing his lips to hers. "I have a few ideas on how we can spend the next few hours," he said, moving his hands up and under her shirt.

"Friends marathon?" Stevie suggested with a wicked grin and then let out a squeal as he threw her on the bed.

"Don't be an idiot, Stevie."

"Oh stuff it Brown."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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