Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Something caused Marcus to wake up from his afternoon nap. At first, it disoriented him, but the moment he got his surroundings in place, he realised that the sound of Jade screaming woke him up. Marcus quickly jumped out of his seat and rushed over to Jade who was thrashing around and shouting incoherent things.

"Jade wake up." Marcus knew from last time not to touch her and he jumped back in surprise when Jade quickly sat up and drew in a deep breath before she let out a blood-curdling scream that sent shivers down his spine.

"Fuck it," Marcus said, and he quickly pulled Jade onto the floor with him, and started rocking her back and forth as she kept screaming. He tried to calm her down, and wake her up, but she just kept screaming.

"Shhhh, you're safe." He whispered in her ear, and after about 20 minutes Jade finally stopped screaming and was fast asleep in his arms. Marcus knew all too well what it was like to have night terrors. They would keep you up all night, but the moment you wake up, you would have no recollection of what happened or why you were so tired.

He suffered from them after a bad tour a few years ago, and he had his brother there to help him through it, but Jade had no one. He sat there on the floor with Jade, wrapped protectively in his arms until she started to stir awake.

"Why are we on the floor?" Was the first thing Jade asked when she finally came around. Marcus didn't say anything as he helped her up and back onto the lounge.

"You had a night terror." Was all he said as he walked away into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. It confused jade. She remembered nothing, the last thing she remembered was falling asleep, but she guessed it would explain the sore throat and headache that had become present.

"Thanks," Jade stated when Marcus came back with a glass of water and aspirin.

"I will cook dinner, you make yourself at home." Jade tried to get up to help, but the sharp pain in her knee told her to sit down and relax.

"Would you like a beer?" Marcus yelled from the kitchen forgetting Jade just took some aspirin, but Jade still agreed. She asked for Marcus to grab her crutches that were sitting in her room, so at least she would move around. Jade decided before dinner she would take a shower and get the days sweat off her and wake her up.

While Jade took a shower, Marcus continued to make dinner while humming quietly to himself as he moved around the kitchen with ease. Marcus finished dinner before Jade finished so he took a quick shower himself before going into her room and knocking on the door.

When he didn't get an answer, he called out her name and frowned when he got no reply. Worried for her, Marcus walked into the room with caution and found the shower still running, but no sound from Jade. Worried she was hurt, Marcus all, but ran into the bathroom and found Jade sitting on the floor rocking back and forth muttering to herself and tears ran down her face.

With extreme caution Marcus bent down to her level and reached out a hand, causing Jade to flinch and look up to Marcus with fear in her eyes.

"Jade?" Marcus questioned, wondering if she was with him in this world, or lost inside her own head.

Jade looked around and found that she wasn't in an abandoned building with her comrades dying around her, but inside the bathroom still in her clothes and the shower running hot water behind her.

"I'm fine." She whispered in a hoarse voice, rubbing up and down her arms making sure they were there.

"You are not fine," Marcus stated and Jade nodded knowing she was far from fine. She did not understand what set off the flashback, but it was something she wished she never again had to experience. It was what nightmares are made of, and unfortunately something she had to experience.

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