Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Marcus knew something was wrong. Officers were rushing around camp at the early hours of the morning more panicked than usual. He didn't know what was going on so he woke up his brother wondering if he had any idea what was going on.

"Marcus go back to sleep." His brother groaned loudly which stirred the other men in their bunker.

"Wake up now." He demanded which resulted in his brother to roll over and the other soldiers telling him to fuck off at this hour of the morning. Throwing his hands up in the air he left the tent and went to go see for himself what all this morning racket was about.

When he stepped outside the bunker very few people were awake, but those that were, were rushing around which alarmed Marcus thinking they were under attack. However, Marcus knew if they were under attack they would have sounded the alarm.

The sun was just starting to rise when the gates at the front opened.  

"Get the medic." An officer yelled rushing over towards the truck that came to a blazing halt. Marcus rushed to the truck to see women getting out along with bloody men. Obviously, they had gone on a mission that went wrong and Marcus didn't register what team it was until he got closer.

"Get Smith to the hospital. 37-year-old man shot in the shoulder excessive bleeding." The officer relayed into the radio.

"Where is Sergeant Jennings?" The officer yelled over all the noise and at that moment Marcus felt his entire world slow down. It was like everything was moving in slow motion. People were rushing around to tend to the injured, but those 4 simple words struck Marcus to the core. He could see someone talking, but he was hearing nothing as everything around him seemed to freeze for just a split second as he felt a sickness in his stomach as if someone had dropped him from the skies.

It was only one split second before everything returned to the normal pace and Marcus felt his heart shatter at the next few words.

"She didn't make it out." Corporal Tucker looked to Marcus who seemed to be in a state of shock for a second.

"What do you mean didn't make it out?" Marcus yelled storming up to Tucker and getting in his face.

"Sergeant back down." The officer commanded and for the first time since joining Marcus almost didn't listen to his commanding officer.

"You won't be able to help her if you don't back down," Tucker whispered quietly so only Marcus could hear and in those few words, Marcus heard the hope that she was still alive. Taking a deep breath Marcus took a step back and let Tucker and the Officer walk towards the office leaving Marcus in a panic state of shock and something else he hadn't ever felt before.

Pacing, Marcus was anxiously waiting outside the officer bunk with his brother as they waited for news about what happened and what was going on with Jade. As the Bravo team, he knew they would sanction his team to rescue her, but personally, he would go to the ends of the earth to save her and have her back safe in his arms.

"Marcus stop the goddamn pacing please." His brother said, but Marcus couldn't, he couldn't when the women he loved was out there surrounded by enemies, fighting for her life and most likely hurt.

Marcus stopped pacing for a second and Marco sighed as it was giving him a headache.

"I love her." He whispered to himself and for a second his brother thought he was hearing things.

"Marco I fucked up terribly." He finally admitted wishing he could go back in time and just tell Jade he was leaving instead of being a coward and not having the balls to tell her that he had to go back on a tour. He was afraid that she wouldn't wait for him so it was easier to cut her off then be halfway through the tour for Jade to realise that she didn't want him anymore.

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