Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 

"So Jade I reckon in the next month you should be able to go back to work," Lucas said the following day as he extended her leg checking her range of motion. Jade sighed wanting nothing more than to go back to work and get back into the field again. She pushed her appointment with Lucas back another week because when she got a look at her bruised, swollen face she knew she wasn't going to any appointments soon. 

"Thanks Lucas." Jade stood up and shook his hand before rolling her shoulders back.

"It's no problem Jade, just keep working on your exercises and you should be fine." Lucas walked Jade out and Jade sighed when she saw that it had started raining. She quickly pulled up the hood on her jumper and stepped outside into the rain. Jade was planning to run home, but with the rain, she quickly hailed down a cab to get out of it. When she arrived back at her apartment, she was glad she pushed her appointment back with Lucas because after the flashback she found herself tired and crawled back into bed. When she reached her door, she looked to the apartment next to her which seemed to be empty these days.

She hadn't seen Marcus or Marco in the last week which she was glad for because one look and they would be able to tell she wasn't doing fine.  Her dreams were filled with memories she tried to bury from her childhood, and when she was awake flashes of her last tour would play like a movie, rendering her still until the moment was over.

She walked into her apartment tired. She was always tired these days. The flashbacks were taking a toll on her as she struggled to function and do regular day-to-day activities. Jade sat down on the couch and turned on the tv for background noise as she drifted off for a quick nap before she started on her washing. 

There was a knocking at her door that rose her from her groggy state. She rolled off the lounge and saw that it was almost 5 o'clock. The knocking kept going, and she groaned and clutched her head at the headache that pounded against her head like the bloody person at the door.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." She trudged over to the door and opened it before the idiot on the other side broke down her door. She opened it up and was taken back by Marcus standing there with his arms crossed in a singlet and shorts as if he had just come from the gym.

"You're still alive," Jade stated and walked into her apartment knowing he would follow.

"And you look like shit." Jade snorted in the most un-ladylike fashion and sat back onto her lounge.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." Marcus shut the door behind him and took a seat next to Jade. He hadn't seen her in a while because of him working on base all week and seeing her today settled that gut feeling he had every time he walked past her door on the morning commute to work.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jade sighed and closed her eyes rubbing her temple.

"It's nothing." She stated bluntly remembering that he was the one who said they couldn't do anything.

"So what did you want Marcus?" She finally faced him and for a second her heart began to ache at his rejection, but she quickly pushed away from the feelings wanting to know what he wanted so she could get rid of him and sleep.

"I just wanted to see how you are doing." Jade rolled her eyes knowing that wasn't why he was here at all.

"Fine, I wanted to come and apologise for kissing you and try to explain why it can't happen again." Jade didn't think her heart could break anymore, but surely she felt another crack at yet another rejection.

"Please leave. I got it the first time." Marcus went to say something, but the look Jade gave him told him all he needed to know. He fucked up, and he fucked up badly again.

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