Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

4 weeks later

Jade was rushing around the house trying to grab everything she needed. Her nerves were a mess, and she struggled to keep her anxiety under control. Stopping for a second Jade took a deep breath remembering where she put her bag. Grabbing it quickly she knew she had to get out of the house before she was late.

Rushing down the 4 flights of stairs she made it outside and luck was defiantly on her side when she could quickly hail down a cab and give him the directions she needed. Taking the time, she now had, Jade took a few deep breaths as she tried to stop her legs from shaking. She was a mess. Her emotions were all over the place, but she had finally found the courage to leave her apartment and get on with her life.

She tried not to think about that fucking prick that used to live next door because whenever she did all she felt was rage. At first, she was upset and soon her sadness turned to anger. If she ever crossed paths with that ungrateful, two-timing, using asshole she would shove her foot up where the sun doesn't shine. Closing her eyes, she pushed the second man in her life to take her heart and rip it out of her chest and focused on here and now.

When the car pulled up to the destination Jade smiled at the cute little house that stood before her. Already she could tell this was a homely place as bikes and toys littered the front yard clear that there were children. Smiling to herself Jade walked up to the door with shaky feet and hesitated for a moment wondering if she wanted to do this. However, before she could turn around and change her mind the door opened and a little girl who peered at her with wide green eyes and hair as black as night.

"Who are you?" Jade felt her throat clog up as she starred at a tiny female version of her brother.

"I was wondering is your Daddy home?" Jade asked after clearing her throat. She watched the little girl who looked to be no older than 6, place her hands on her hips and raise one eyebrow at her.

"My Daddy doesn't talk to strange women, mummy said so." Jade let out a chuckle at how sassy this little girl was a knew without a doubt that she was at the right house.

"Emily, how many times do we tell you to not open the door?" A women's voice came through the house and before Jade stood a petite woman smiling brightly at her before picking up her daughter despite her round stomach heavy with child.

"Hi sorry about her. Rascal she is. I'm assuming you are Jade." Jade nodded he head and shuffled on her feet.

"Come in, I'm Nicole it's nice to finally meet you. They are out the back I'll show you the way. Emily go put your shoes on, remember we are going to watch Finding Dory today." Nicole put the little girl down and she saw her race off into what she assumed was her room to put her shoes on.

"How far along are you?" Jade asked trying to make conversation as Nicole lead her through her house.

"Six months, I can't wait until the little man arrives. Cheeky little boy has caused nothing but problems and he isn't even born yet ." She rubbed her stomach tenderly and Jade felt her heart tug hoping and wishing that one day she could experience the joys that motherhood bought.

"Do you have any children Jade?" Nicole asked as they reached the back door.

"No," Nicole said nothing as she saw a brief look of sadness cross Jade's face as she opened the back door to an extended room where her husband and father-in-law where waiting.

"I'll leave you guys to it. I'm hoping you will stay for dinner Jade, but that is up to you." Nicole left Jade and suddenly she felt extremely nervous. She felt her palms started to sweat and felt a slight tremor in her step as she walked forward into the room where two men she hadn't seen in over 18 years were anxiously waiting for her.

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