Chapter 29

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Chapter 29  

Marcus returned sometime later and walked straight past Jade's door, not in the mood to deal with her. She had become unpredictable. One minute she would be blank, the next she was screaming and throwing plates at you. Her moods change in the blink of an eye and she was difficult to deal with. Marcus mentioned it to the doctor, and they said to bring her in for further testing, but Jade wouldn't leave her house. Her family stopped seeing her every day and though Marcus understood, it was almost as if they had given up on her. 

They now see her once a week and normally she just stares into space, ignoring them all. He knew he should remind Jade of her occupational therapy appointment, but he knew there was no point when she wouldn't go. She refused to leave the house. She refused to do anything but yell at him. Marcus knew what it looked like when someone gave up, and that is what Jade had done.

She had given up.

Marcus knew the only thing keeping her alive was her brain damage because he knew if her body remembered how she wouldn't be here. He was stuck on a sinking boat where he couldn't leave and knew he would only end up hurt.

He wanted to shake Jade and drag her out of the house. Realistically he could, but he didn't want to deal with the backlash of Jade and losing her trust. He opened another beer, and he knew he was drinking too much, but it took the edge off.

He quickly drank the whole drink, not tasting a single bit before walking over to Jade. He didn't bother knocking on the door and when he walked into her room he wasn't surprised to see her lying on the floor again. 

It tempted him to pick up her sleeping body and take her anywhere but here, but he didn't. He walked out of the room leaving her on the floor and sat on the couch waiting for the sleeping dragon to wake up. He knew he should put her in her bed, but she would just yell at him when she woke up if he did. He learnt that the hard way. 

When Jade woke up from her nap she wasn't surprised to see herself on the floor. She knew Marcus was in the house because she could hear him in her kitchen.

"Can you help me?" She yelled and soon he was standing in her doorway, furious. He crossed his arms over his chest, causing his muscle to bulge out of his shirt.

"Oh, so now you want my help?" He raised a single eyebrow at Jade, and she glared back at it.

"Yes." She gritted through her teeth hating to ask for help.

"Why should I help you, Jade? Whenever I try to help you push me away or throw plates at me." Jade pushed herself up as she continued to glare at him.

"Well, if you will not help, fuck off then." She tried to get herself into her chair and failed. Her brain still told her to use her legs, but they no longer worked.

Marcus stood there and watched her struggle a few times before sighing and picked her up, back into her chair. She was weighing less and less every day. He tried to make her eat, which usually ended up cursing him out, so he gave up and let Jade do what she wanted. There was only so much he could do. 

Once Jade was in her, she wheeled herself into her lounge room and turned on the tv for noise.

"You need a shower," Marcus said as he followed behind Jade and he wasn't surprised when she said nothing, but stare blankly at the wall.

"You also have an appointment tomorrow at 1 pm." He waited for a response but got nothing.

"You going to talk to me or just sit there and stare at that fucking wall for the rest of the day." Jade wheeled herself round and stared up at Marcus.

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