Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

When Jade woke two days later she wasn't surprised to see she had passed out on the floor again. Vomit clung to her clothes despite changing her shirt 2 days ago. She didn't remember, but she must have dragged herself to her room changed her shirt and pants and dragged herself back to her bottles.

However, changing did nothing as piss and vomit still clung to her clothing. She smelt ripe, but after a few sips of her precious magic liquid, she couldn't smell the stench coming off her. She pushed herself up into an upright position and blindly searched for the pain pills she knew were floating around.

After popping 2 pills and drowning them in what she assumed was tequila, Jade closed her eyes and waited for the pain to stop. Once she could open her eyes and not feel like there was a stabbing pain, she blindly scrolled through her phone searching for the app that allowed her to buy more alcohol and have it delivered to her door. After starring at the screen for like 20minutes waiting for it to come in focus, she ordered more alcohol which would arrive by lunchtime.

While she waited she drank the last of what she had left and when the doorbell rang she realised, she had no way of getting what she needed. The door handle was too high for her to reach up and grab and her arms were still too weak to haul herself up onto a chair.

Groaning she dragged her useless body into her bedroom grabbed a coat hanger and crawled pathetically back to the front door. She bent the coat hanger and used the duct tape she found to attach it to the end of a broom. Her door was already unlocked, and she prayed this worked.

She reached up with her broom and was surprised when it worked first go. She looked both ways making sure no one was around as she quickly dragged in her new box of goodies and quickly shut her door.

Her body was already starting to shake and she all she could feel was pain, despite the medication she took this morning. Her head was hurting as memories started to flood her every waking thought. So, the moment the door was closed she didn't even think twice before she cracked open the first bottle. As the liquor burned its way down her throat, her mind started to become blank until she entered the state where nothing existed, but a plane of emptiness. 

So Jade kept drinking until she forgot who she was as a person and only then, was she able to take a deep calming breath. 


Marco and Marcus both looked at each other and frowned when they heard the doorbell from next door ring. No one had visited Jade in just over a week and a half and they were both wondering who the hell was ringing her doorbell.

"Don't Marcus. If she wants to push us away that's her choice. We can't go running over there every time." Marcus grumbled to himself. This is why he didn't enjoy getting involved with people because he was the one who always ended up getting hurt.

"I fucking wish I could go back in time." Marco thought the same thing many times. Anything to stop the events that had occurred that led them all into this predicament. They were all struggling. He knew Jade was struggling the most, but he hated how selfish she had become. She couldn't see that she was hurting everyone around her, she couldn't see what it was doing to everyone every time she said she wanted to die.

Jade had turned into someone he didn't recognise, and he knew if she continued down this path she would really have no one. He looked towards his brother and found another drink in his hand. This change was hard on everyone, but soon they would go back to work and most likely another tour and then who would look after Jade. Marco sighed rubbing his head at a headache that was slowly forming. 

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