Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Time flew by so quickly for Jade. Each day comprised of Jade going to work, going to the gym then going back to her apartment only to continue working out plans and getting herself ready for another tour. She grew to know her team better and found they had no trouble with a female being in charge. She made sure her men were in tip-top condition and pushed them daily to strive beyond their best.

At first, her men thought she was too tough on them, but as the plan began to unravel and they put the men into positions and roles, they soon realised that all her pushing was for the better. So not only Jade could get the most out of her men but also so they were in their best form for the mission ahead.

She was sitting at home organising her bags for her departure tomorrow when her doorbell rang. Confused by who could come over this late in the afternoon, her body was on high alert as she made her way to her front door. She slowly opened the door and relaxed when she saw it was her boys.

"What are you guys doing over here, and how the hell did you know where I live?" Tucker smiled and winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"We're here to take you out for drinks before we depart tomorrow so get dressed Sergeant we leave in 5." She watched as 4 men shuffled into her apartment and balked at how small the room became with 4 large men filling the space.

"4 and a half minutes' clocks ticking." Jade looked at her pyjamas and sighed as she went into her room and quickly threw on some jeans and a nice shirt and some heeled boots. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and grabbed her bag before re-joining her team in her living room.

"Okay, all ready." They all filed out and Jade locked up and they all wandered into a taxi that was waiting for them.

"So where exactly are we going, and you know we're not supposed to drink before we leave?"  Lance Corporal Mass waved his hand dismissing her knowing she needed to loosen up before they all departed.

After a 20-minute trip, Jade wanted to go home when they arrived at their destination.

"Please tell me you are not taking me to a strip club." They all grinned mischievously, and all but grabbed her out of the cab. They pushed to the front of the line and Taylor waved his hand at the guard let them in despite the people lined up waiting to get in.

The moment they entered Jade's body vibrated as the sound of the bass ricocheted through her body. Glancing around the room was smoky as shirtless men and topless women walked around serving drinks while light flashed around the room making you feel as if you were in another planet.

"First round is on me." Sergeant Smith shouted over the music as Tucker led them to a reserved table where they all sat down.

"So Jennings do we finally get to call you Jade." She huffed as the surrounding men laughed as she crossed her arms.

"No." She said bluntly as the continued to laugh as she realised her team was a bunch of idiots. Smiling to herself, she watched as Smith came over with shots and passed one to each of them.

"To a successful tour and hope everything doesn't turn to shit." They all cheered on that and took the shot. Jade felt the liquid burn down her throat causing her to cringe as it slowly warmed up her chest.

"Christ, that taste like horseshit." She said as she coughed as the others laughed. Jade spent the rest of the night talking and laughing with her guys and she was glad that they bought her out tonight. Towards the end of the night after a few too many drinks they all laughed as Corporal Taylor took off his shirt and stood on their table doing a strip dance trying to be sexy in his drunken haze.

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