Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Jade woke early the next morning in a state of fear. She felt as if her whole body had become paralysed and the only thing, she could move were her eyes. She wanted to reach for her phone to call for help, but her arms wouldn't move. Everything felt as if it was underwater and she was drowning. Jade didn't know how long she stayed in this state of fear until she felt her fingers twitch as if her body telling her she was alive and able to move.

She slowly pushed herself up on the bed and groaned when she saw it was 5 in the morning. She rubbed her face and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and never leave. 

She was tempted. 

So tempted, but she had to go to her appointment and had a list of things she had to do today and not all of them were pleasant.

Still pissed off at Marcus she texted her Dad to see if he was busy during the day. She was still lying in bed when her phone rang.

"Hello." She was tired, she was beyond tired with everything in her life.

"Hi Jade, what did you need help with today." Jade didn't realise she missed her dad until she heard his voice and started crying.

"Jade are you okay? Is something wrong?" Her father said of panic and Jade smiled sadly to herself.

"No, I just missed you Dad and I'm sorry for everything." Her father sighed on the other end. Marcus had informed him of the changes in Jade and he was happy that she was getting better, but he wasn't sure how he felt about her happiness being created by multiple strong pills.

"It's alright Jade. These past couple of months have been hard. What did you need?" So, Jade told him about her appointment she needed a lift to and what she needed to go afterwards.

"Jade are you sure that's a good idea." Her father asked hesitantly. He wasn't sure that was the best thing for her recovery.

"I need to Dad." So, her father agreed and was happy he got to spend the day with his daughter.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." She said and hung up the phone. Rubbing her hands over her face Jade forced herself to get out of the bed which took a lot of effort and she nearly fell off the chair. She pushed herself into her kitchen took her needed medication and went to her front door where her shopping was waiting for her. She could reach down and grab all the bag and place them on her lap. Due to her not feeling any pain in her legs she could upload all the bags in one go and wheel herself over to the kitchen to put everything away.

Once Jade was finished, to keep her mind busy, she cleaned her already spotless house, but really, she used it as an excuse to see if maybe Marco and Marcus forgot to get rid of some alcohol. However, her attempts were fruitless, and she found herself sitting in her lounge room gripping her hair, trying to stop the onslaught of memories that were trying to break free from their suppression.

Next door Marcus was just about to head over to Jade's to get her up and ready for her appointment, so he got more than a shock when he opened up his door and saw Jade's father about to knock on the door.

"Hey, Mark. What are you doing here?" Marcus questioned, and he walked over to greet the older man. Both men shook hands with each other before they broke apart and looked at Jade's door.

"Jade asked me to take her to her appointment today." Mark didn't want to mention Jade's other plan because he knew Marcus would agree with him that it was a bad idea.

"Oh," Marcus replied shocked that Jade had rung her father. They hadn't spoken in a couple of weeks and it wasn't because Jade's father didn't want to talk, but more the fact that Jade's mood was unpredictable and last time her father was round Jade told him to leave and never come back.

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