Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

The week flew by much quicker than Jade wanted to. Each day became harder and harder and there felt like there was a deadline on their relationship. Each night before she went to bed Jade prayed that he wouldn't have to go that the call was a mistake, but that day never came.

She was clutching Marcus's hand tightly as they drove towards the airport. Yesterday she had broken down in front of Sophia and Noah and cried for hours. She was trying to be strong, but it was so hard to see the man you love, leave to go somewhere she didn't know and somewhere she wouldn't be able to contact him.

She had dinner with his family last night as his brother gave both the boys a teary farewell. Jade during the whole dinner was quiet as she tried to sort through all the emotions that were racing around her head.

"You okay?" Marcus asked, and Jade looked up at him with a frown. He had stayed over every night this week and each night once she knew he was asleep she would cry. It made her feel weak, but her heart was breaking. She wanted to be selfish and demand he not go. She wanted to be selfish and keep Marcus with her forever, but she knew she couldn't.

She knew it was his job, and she knew she had to come to terms that this would happen.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Her voice was raspy with unshed tears the closer they drove to the airport. Sophia was driving them knowing Jade would need the emotional support after Marcus had left. Jade leaned her head on his should as he kissed the top of her head.

"I'll drop you guys off at the front and I will come back after I find a parking space," Sophia whispered and watched the couple in the back.

"Thank you, Sophia." She nodded her head at Marcus as they pulled up to Sydney's international airport. Marcus got out first and set up Jade's chair and watched as she moved from the car into it. She had improved so much in the past few months and he wondered how much more she would improve while he was away. He smiled at her as he grabbed his duffle bag and threw it over his shoulder. Today they required he dress in civilian gear until he arrived at his destination where he would change into his uniform was in his bag. He walked beside Jade as she pushed herself into the busy terminal. He looked around and saw his team was already here and saying goodbye to their loved ones. Their flight still wasn't for another 2 hours, but they had to check in and go through some paperwork before they could leave.

He looked at Jade and found he wasn't sure what he wanted to say. He had never had to say goodbye to someone he loved, and he found himself at a lost for words.

"Is it selfish for me to say I wish we could go back to the car and drive back to mine." Jade looked up into Marcus's brown eyes and saw them swimming with an emotion she couldn't quite place.

"No. I wish for that too." He sighed and looked at his watch knowing he had to check in soon.

"Please come back safe." She watched as Marcus leant down to her height and grabbed her hands. He leant down and kissed them before wiping off the few tears that had fallen down her face. Jade wasn't sure when she started crying and she wasn't sure if she could stop.

"I will, I promise." She nodded her head and knew she had to say goodbye even when she didn't want to. She wanted to beg him not to go to stay with her. She wanted to be selfish, but she couldn't he had a duty and she understood even if she didn't like it

"I love you and remember I'll be waiting, so please don't keep me waiting forever." Marcus understood Jade and nodded his head because there was no way he could express the way he was feeling. He leant forward and gave Jade once last kiss before he had to leave.

Jade knew she was crying, as she savoured the feel of his lips on hers praying this wouldn't be the last time. She kissed him like it would be their last just in case and she prayed nothing would happen to him. His mouth was warm and soft as he gently grabbed her face into his large, warm hands. Jade expressed all her worries, doubts and love into the kiss trying to portray what she was struggling to say. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gently ran her fingers through his thick dark hair.

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