Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

9 months later

Watching as buildings passed her by Jade gazed out the window as the taxi slowed down and stopped in front of her new apartment. Sighing, she grabbed her crutches beside her and got out the car with some help from the driver. Hobbling around to the trunk she saw the delivery guys roll up behind the taxi.

"Here, let me help you." The driver said, and she shook her head.

"It's fine. I got it." Leaning to one side she grabbed her bag, swinging it over her shoulder before grabbing a box. She knew she shouldn't be putting her body under any kind of stress because of her injuries, but she will be damned if she stands by watching like a cripple.

Jade left one of her crutches in the taxi trunk knowing she would be out again and leant against the other as she carried her boxes inside her new building. She somehow made it up to a few small steps and when she entered her new building a small, but warm foyer greeted her.

It wasn't overly huge, but large enough for a group to congregate in while waiting for everyone to arrive. The walls were a warm light orange colour and the timber floors were covered by a huge rug which made the place feel welcoming upon first entering. She looked towards the reception desk finding it empty. She was lucky she picked up her keys a week earlier, as all she wanted to do was unpack and settle into her new place. Sighing at the monstrous task ahead of her today, Jade hobbled over to the elevator only to see a no services sign taped to the front.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Pulling out the paper they assigned her to the room that was on the 4th floor. God, this would be a bitch to her leg. She looked towards the stairs knowing she had no choice and made the journey to the 4th floor with the movers already bringing in what little furniture she had.

By the time she made it to the 4th floor her leg was aching like a bitch, her lungs were sore and her back felt as if it was on fire. All a reminder of what happened only a two-and-a-half months ago. When she got to her door, she dug out her key from her back pocket and opened her new apartment. She stepped inside her 2-bedroom home and noticed it wasn't as small as she expected for an apartment in defence housing.

She placed her boxes in the middle of her lounge room floor and looked over to the kitchen to see it was a decent size. The only downfall to this apartment was not the size, but the hideous colour painted on all the walls. Jade knew within the next few days she would paint the whole apartment to get rid of the vomit green colour that plastered on every wall.

As the movers bought in more of her furniture and boxes, she went back downstairs to grab the final boxes of her breakable items. Jade slowly made her way downstairs on her own knowing she shouldn't have left the crutch up in the apartment.

Too late to go back and get it she limped outside knowing when she saw the physio soon he would not be happy. By the time she made it back inside, which took a lot longer than she thought, it surprised her to see the movers had moved everything in. However, she was beyond pissed when she labelled and requested everything to be put into the labelled rooms.

"I thought you were meant to put everything in the right rooms." She said turning to the removalist who just shrugged.

"We only do what we get paid for." Cursing her mother who planned the move for her, she knew she did this out of spite because she went away on the tour so quickly after she moved back in with her mother for a couple of weeks.

"Don't worry I will move everything myself." The movers gave her a look, but shrugged it off and left having been paid already. Grunting, Jade sat down on her bed that was in the middle of the fucking room. Rubbing her leg which was aching with a burning passion she sighed knowing she better get moving or nothing would get done.

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