Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

He didn't know what hurt more the fact that Jade didn't remember him, or that she was finally awake. It hurt to know she was awake because though she might not feel it now the amount of pain she will feel and have to go through hurts him. He watched as she dozed off back to sleep and the nurse said it was normal for a patient who has been through serious trauma not to remember details, but he wasn't some minor detail.

Sighing, he picked up his phone and rang Jade's family letting them know she was awake and told them her memory was a little foggy. They said they would be down as soon as possible and Marcus sighed again when he hung up the phone.

The doctor told him that in a few days she could remember, but it would be hard to tell as there was bleeding and swelling on the brain which may have resulted in brain damage. Marcus knew Jade wouldn't be up again for a few hours so he went home, had a shower and nap before returning to the hospital.

When Jade woke a few hours later the light wasn't so bright, but everything inside of her head hurt. It hurt to think or remember why she was here. Looking around she realised she was alone and for a moment she had a brief memory of gunfire and pain but thinking anymore about it hurt. She tried to stretch out her legs and frowned when she couldn't feel anything. She tried to move her toes, but again she couldn't move them or feel anything.

She could hear the heart monitor beeping faster as her breathing quickened as her panic settled in. The increase in her heart monitor caused nurses to rush in as Jade felt tears run down her face.

"I can't feel my toes." She hyperventilated, and the nurses tried to calm her down.

"Miss Jennings you need to relax or we will have to sedate you." A soft voice said, but she was too frantic as she tried to move her legs away, but felt nothing.

When Marcus came back to the hospital, he saw a commotion in Jade's room and his heart dropped and he sprinted into her room.

"I can't feel them; I can't feel my legs." Jade was screaming as the nurses tried to calm her down. He saw a nurse come in with a needle and he quickly stopped her.

"Let me try first." The nurse nodded towards him and he slowly walked in saw her crying on the bed pushing off the nurse trying to hold her down. 

"Jade." He whispered knowing she probably wouldn't remember him, but maybe he couldn't try to calm her down.

"Marcus? What's going on, why can't I feel my legs?" Marcus stood shocked that she remembered him, but soon he was rushing towards her side.

"Jade, it's going to be okay, you need to trust me and take some deep breaths." He took some deep breaths with her, but she was still panicking. So he took her face into his hands and leaned in and rested his head against hers.

"Jade please you need to relax. Please, for me. Relax and calm down, or they will put you to sleep." They both closed their eyes and savoured in each other's touch and soon Marcus heard the heart monitor return to its normal pace.

Neither of them wanted to move, but soon Marcus was pulling away so the nurses and the doctors could attend to Jade. He went to go stand outside while the doctors explained her injuries, but when Jade reached out her hand and grabbed his Marcus sat by her side.

"You have extreme nerve damage to your legs, and your body was covered in 75% burns. You suffered severe bleeding to the brain and we still don't know the extent of the damage, only that time will tell." As the doctor told her all her injuries, she tried to remember how they occurred, but remembering anything from the last month was all the blur and a mess.

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