Chapter 8

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Ruby's POV

We drove to Anna's house and went to her room with a little difficulty. I sat on the bed and tried to figure out something to do. My stomach growled, but Anna said nothing and for that I was thankful.

"So, what you wanna do?" Anna asked.

"I'm not sure." I answered looking in her direction.

"What do you imagine my room looks like when you come to my house?" Anna questioned. I was a little shocked.

"I'm not sure. I just kind of find my way to the bed and sit. I guess if I wanted to I could imagine a bed, a medium sized room, a closet, and a bed side table and clothes on the floor." I said.

"You're right about the clothes on the floor." Anna said and I imagined her blushing a bit.

"Anna?" I started. "How does it feel to be normal?" I questioned.

"No one's normal Ruby. We all have our faults and our flaws. Society just made it so we think there's normality. Society made it so people don't understand why goths/emos like the color black so much, why gays/bi's can find pleasure through the same sex, why people cut to release pain, etc. People just don't understand because people are afraid of what they can't understand. No one's normal, everything is different." She said.

"Thanks Anna." But what if your blind?


I started to think about what Anna said. It's true I do find some release through cutting, but even sometimes I don't understand why.

I wish Aaron would come back soon. I really need to explain. I keep trying to call him, but he won't answer. I'm truly starting to worry. I don't understand, I don't want to understand honestly. Death might be better than having to live through the pain of losing people over and over again.

I liked Aaron. He never asked questions, it was almost as though he was patient enough to wait for e to tell him when I wanted to. Well, that was until I found he was actually impatient and secretly went and looked up every noted observation about me so that he found out what was wrong with me. I guess I was played.

Later that night, I got a call. What was special about this call though, it wasn't one from anyone I know. No this phone call was from someone else. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Yes. Is this Ruby, Ruby Philips?" A man's voice asked on the other side of the line.

"Yes?" I said unsure of how he knew my name.

"Could you please tell your mother I need to have a talk with her and that I'd like to see my children?" He asked.

"Sure, may I ask your name?" I questioned.

"Derek Philips." Then the line went dead. children? Dad?

The Blind Girl And The Quarterback (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now