Chapter 21

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Ruby's POV
I could feel my eyelids flutter open and I immediately shut them. No way...

I opened them again and started to blink vigorously. Everything was blurry at first but the more I blinked, the more things seemed to clear. Finally everything cleared. I looked around and saw everything, every minor detail and every color. My eyes widened in realization. Color!

I grinned so wide I thought my face was gonna crack until I heard giggles and chuckles I blushed just then realizing the people in the room. I looked between all four of them. I instantly recognized my mother, then Anna, but it was difficult trying to figure out which person was Aaron and which was Garrett. I looked back and fourth between them then raised an eyebrow and one of them spoke.

"Hey sis, good to see you awake," I instantly knew it was Garry and I smiled and nodded then I looked over at Aaron and took a moment to look over him. Holy mother of fudge.

His face was very defined. A sharp jaw and high cheekbones made him almost look as though he could cut things with bones beneath flesh. Well, that wasn't a weird thought at all, my conscious said and I blushed slightly. Aaron also had bright blue eyes, I just wanted to keep staring at them and never fall into the darkness I was in ever again. He had brown hair that was tousled and messy, but looked so nice on him. His lips were in a easy going smile as he stared at me.

"How do I look?" He asked. I nearly shouted perfect, but decided to say something else.

"Eh, you're okay," I said smirking at him as he feigned hurt.

"I'm wounded," he said, "take that back." I shook my head.

"Sorry, it's not a returnable sentence," I said. He just mumbled something along the lines of 'you're lucky you just got out of surgery.'

"Rubes! Diamond with boobs! I've been your best friend longer than he has and I've already been replaced?!" Anna shouted in mock anger.

"Oh Anna, you know I could never replace you," I said smiling. She grinned then stood up and hugged me. I hugged her back and for once, I actually felt normal. Garrett stood up next. He leaned down and hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"The doctors saw some scars, I didn't know what to tell them so they'll be here to question you later," he said and gave me a gentle squeeze as I nodded. Next was my mother

She placed a hand on my cheek then leaned down placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and then pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back. She softly stroked my hair.

"I'm so glad you're okay sweetheart, I love you so much," she whispered as she held me.

"I love you too mom," I whispered back as I teared up. When she pulled back I looked towards Aaron and he smiled teasingly. He stood up and my eyes widened as I realized just how tall he was. He was maybe 6'6 or taller.

He ruffled my hair then leaned down and hugged me.

"I couldn't hold a grudge forever, now could I?" He whispered teasingly. I laughed and a few tears of joy escaped my ready eyes. Suddenly I was crushed in a group hug by my family. This is where I belonged.

Everyone left except Aaron to go get lunch. Aaron stood there looking at me and I just laid there looking back at him. He then mumbled, "this is definitely over due," then made his way over to me, reaching an arm behind my back gently pulling me forward as he leant down. He looked into my eyes and then down to my lips, and suddenly lips were on top of mine.

My eyes clamor shut as I instinctively kissed back. My right hand made its way to the crook of his neck softly resting there as we kissed. Heat spread through me like a wild fire and it was like my soul was being bonded with another's. Nothing seemed to matter but us. Right then, it was just us.

omg...they finally kissed. Okay so 3 chapters in a day, woohoo!!! So all three of these chapters are dedicated to Luna_The_Elemental and SandraMiller1 thx guys for being so supportive and the lovely comments. They really encouraged me to do this all in one night. Thx again! :)


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