Chapter 24

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The whole hour, sleep didn't knock her doors despite tossing and turning previous night. So she resorted to the only thing she could do. She watched him sleep. He rarely moved when he slept. His eye lids never fluttered. She guessed he was a deep sleeper.

The sunlight hit his face and his eyebrows furrowed. She stood and closed the curtains not letting the sunlight stream in. It was dark but not too dark for her to see. He slept like a baby.

She laid down again this time facing him. Brushing the rogue strand off his forehead, she watched him with a smile on her face.

She caressed his cheek which was rough with stubble. Her hand wound up in his hair again. She combed his hair gently backwards.

His eye lashes were dark and thick. She never noticed how chiseled his face was. His lips were curved upwards. She smiled at that. She moved her head closer to him and pressed her lips on his forehead, and softly placed another on his pointed nose. And pulled back away.


"Hmm?" She answered sub consciously.

His eyes were still closed. She frowned. Had he said her name in her sleep? But then he opened his eyes not fully.

"You shouldn't ask question to which the answers you know might hurt you."

She frowned. Was he sleep talking?

"Same as that, you shouldn't do things to which the consequences which you won't like." He said his voice all husky.

By now he was fully awake, his eyes were staring into hers. "I don't understand." She muttered.

"You are oblivious to how much I'm holding back," He paused, "from touching you, right now. This things I have in mind are far from just touching you." His voice was calm and steady.

Her eyes widened at his bashful confession. Her heart reacted in a rogue manner.

"And you don't like me even touching you. So refrain from tempting me to do so too." He said it and got up from the bed, collected his overcoat and left the room.

Ruh sat on the bed a guilt weighing more than a hundred kilos settling down her. Well, he was right in a way. But that wasn't what she wanted, her heart wanted. No, her heart wanted his heart. Which wasn't possible so it settled for something much less.

Physical cravings would last for a month or a year. But after it fades away, she would still long for his affection. Replacing her longing for his love and settling for just temporary physical pleasure would never satisfy her. In the end she would just be a bitter queen, like many others before her.

She decided to refrain. That was all there was to do.


   Just like that everything returned to  back as how it was. His visits to the harem were only limited to Nadiya's chambers only.,Her parents had left. Everything slipped right into place.

A week after the doctor had told her her wounds were beginning to heal. Time healed everything or it withheld everything.

Her duties had piled up in the meanwhile and she started to sort them out. Their paths would cross once in a while and surely their eyes would meet but one of the either would look away.

Somewhere, at nights when he slept beside her, darkness didn't scare her anymore. But now all she had was his tunic that he had lent to her. She held it close every night. It gave her a sense of protection. Her nightmares didn't bother her while she did that. And she was surprised by it.

  It took her a decade to cure it slowly. She slipped inside her covers and snuggled his tunic closer. She imagined him laying there, beside her, his eyes closed and his face peaceful as ever. In the middle of the night she would open her eyes, in the haze of her sleepiness, her imagination would still be intact.  She could still see him and feel him there.

But as the morning sun rose, her  hallucinations cleared to an empty bed,


Jellal grumbled as his man servant woke him up. He woke up and groaned. "I'm awake, leave." He groaned again and walked drowsily through the corridors.

Just why am I doing this? Why? He cried to himself. As he reached the large wooden doors, the guards bowed to him and pushed the door quietly open.

He tip toed inside the room towards the bed and quietly slipped beneath the heavy blankets. He looked at her to make sure he hadn't woken her up.  He let a breath of relief, when she was sleeping peacefully, clutching his tunic against her.

This is why I do this.

He sighed and rested his head on the pillow. He couldn't just sleep peacefully knowing she suffered from nightmares all night. Surprisingly, from the time he had started sneaking into her chambers, the nightmares frequented less and less.

   He closed his eyes and slept lightly. Just before dawn his servant would quietly wake him up again and he would go sleep in his chambers again.


A/N: Vote and comment.

I'm preparing for my finals, so updates will be slower. Also, I love it if you guys comment. Ok bye, have a nice day.

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