v. the scholar

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"Knowledge can help you in every game, but first you must have a basic understanding of the game you play."


The Cottage. Erudessa walked down the side of the hill to it. Her journey through the passageways hadn't been very fruitful aside from learning that Princess Calia didn't think very highly of her and that Rowe still cared about her. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy with what she got out of the experience. Maybe the information would become useful in the future. Useful to the Night Watch and their plans to keep Rowe in check when he came to power. Erudessa had known Rowe a long time, and she knew better than anyone he didn't care for the power that came with being king, but Princess Calia did.

     The door was shut and she already felt unwelcome. She hesitantly knocked on it and waited. There was shuffling inside and the sound of papers flying across with a whoosh. Then, the door opened to reveal Grimm. His brown hair hung untamed in his face. She felt small under the gaze of his crystal blue eyes. Remembering the craving on her bedpost, she straightened, sizing him up. He smiled slightly as her meek attempt. He had to be at least six foot as he towered off her. She was only five foot seven. Not small in comparison by small to him. He was at least five inches taller.

     "Have you come to apologize?"

     She blinked a few times. "Apologize? For killing your grandfather? I wish I could, but I owe you no apology. My only apology was given to him."

     He studied her and nodded. "Well, I'll accept that. Come on in. It's cold out there."

     She walked in and saw stacks of books, scrolls, and papers scattered everywhere. The hearth was cold, covered in the remains of the Elder's crackling fire the day before. As she took in the new experience of a home that was once so orderly and clean, she felt the impact of assassinating the Elder anew. She covered her mouth to stifle a sob and blinked furiously to keep the tears from coming.

     "Would you like some tea or something?" Grimm asked, maneuvering past papers to move farther into the room. He glanced back at her and frowned. "Are you okay?"

     Erudessa met his eyes and nodded. "Yeah... I'm f-fine."

     "No, you're not," He said, shaking his head. "I didn't know you care about him that much. Everyone was convinced he was an old fool with too much useful information that he kept hidden from them. I guess it could be considered a good thing you killed him and not some stranger on a dirt road."

     She smiled through her sadness. "That target is on your back now. You might go stir crazy in this cottage."

     "That's why you're here. You have to protect me when I leave the safety of my hovel," He grinned playfully.

     "No, I going to help you have fun in your hovel," She said with her own playful grin, feeling a bit happier. "So, Nocturne Specto... how's that going?"

     "You're not joining," He sighed and started picking up papers. Suddenly, he was ignoring her presence. That was obviously a touchy subject at the moment for him.

     She made her way through the clutter and found an empty spot on the couch to sit. If he wasn't going to talk about it now, she'd just wait until he was ready. As he crouched on the ground, Erudessa wondered how old he was. When they first met, he had seemed young, around her age. But, in here, he seemed to be older. He looked more Rowe's age. His features were sharp compared to Rowe's soft edges. And his stare, it pierced right through her. It was always as if he was shooting daggers at her. If look could kill... his would.

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