vii. the queen

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"We all have to make sacrifices. Sometimes, they don't even feel like they're worth it, but in the end, everything happens for a reason."


The Funeral. It was the most somber event ever held in the city. The streets lined with people holding candles as guards processed the king casket through the streets. The sky was dark with night. The moon didn't even show its face. Yet, the stars shined brightly, and some even commented on how one shone brighter than the others. It was King Eben's soul searching for peace in the Afterlife.

     Queen Miriel followed her husband's casket with a candle in her hands. Despite her sadness, her cheeks were dry of tears. She was followed by Rowe, Nestariel, and Adan behind her. Erudessa and Grimm held candles up in front of them as they led the casket. At the king's request, his Assassin and new historical adviser should be the ones to lead his body to his final resting place.

     Erudessa watched people break down as they processed before them. She had never realized just how much the kingdom loved their king. It was different for them though. They didn't know who he was or just what he did. The truth of who he was would never come into their knowledge. Maybe it was better that way.

     She hadn't believed Rowe when he told her. It all seemed like something out of a dream. She had thought it was a dream until now. He had taken her aside, leaving Grimm to talk to the two guards to get an explanation of his own.

     "How did it happen?" She had asked, looking up at Rowe.

     His face had been stern and devoid of emotion. "He was in his study. Everything was so normal. No one suspected anything when a servant went in with a tray of food. Moments later, that servant came back out with a wicked grin. His cold eyes seemed to burn with pleasure. The guards didn't put things together until after he was long gone. They went into the study and found my father dead. Two arrows pierced his heart."

     She had looked at the ground with wide eyes. "Two arrows?"

     "Yeah, unusual. You don't know anyone who would do this, do you?" He had asked.

     "No, and it wasn't me... I've been out all day. How are you doing?"

     "Fine. I've got to be strong. Millions of people are counting on me now."

     Erudessa knew it was the Hunter who had done it. His specialty was bow and arrows. He had the perfect opportunity. Before going to follow her, he went and quickly took out the king. It was silent, and he went unnoticed. If he walked through the streets at the moment, no one would recognize him because servants didn't get noticed. They hugged the walls and crept in shadows. It was really the perfect disguise.

     They processed all the way to the Sanctum and Erudessa stopped at the steps. A chill ran down her spine and she froze. Grimm noticed and, realizing what was going on, moved up the steps into the Sanctum. Grimm led her all the way to where they took their seats. The casket was set onto the place beside a podium. The Royal Family came in next. Then, the citizens.

     The celebrant stood behind the podium and began talking about King Eben, but Erudessa couldn't hear anything but a pounding in her ears. Her heart beat quickly as she struggled with her breaths. She had killed the Elder out there, and she was mourning the loss of the man who made her kill him.

     There was just something so wrong about it. Tears came to her eyes and she let them fall. Everyone would think she was crying for the king, but she was almost happy he was dead. She had killed so many for him. It seemed his fate had finally caught him. This was meant to happen from the start. Too bad it had taken nine years.

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