Epilogue - The Unknown

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"We enter into the unknown with no more than the clothes we wear and the burdens we carry. You must you this was never intended for you nor was it intended for anyone, but we must enter the unknown to know ourselves."


The Blood.
It ran from his neck and soaked Erudessa's pant leg. She dropped the dagger and hugged Rowe's lifeless body close to her. Burying her face in his hair, she sobbed quietly and rocked him back and forth, muttering "I'm sorry" into his hair. No matter how much she said it, it would never change what she'd done. He would remain dead and by her hand.

She stared at her dagger which she had discarded on the other side of his body. It was soaked in his blood just as it had been soaked in the blood of so many others. Finally, the dagger was done taking lives, and she was done as well. Done with everything. No more killing and no more living. The guards would find her and charge her with killing the king. She would be dead soon.

Even if she moved on to Afterlife, she would never be at peace. Rowe was dead because of her, and so many others. It would haunt her forever. She couldn't handle the burden in life, so how would she handle in in Afterlife. No matter what life she was in, she would never be free of the sins she'd committed. Forever they would rest on her shoulders. Not even death could save her from that pain.

She was drawn after from her sobbing and muttering by the sound of someone running into the room. Two people to be exact. Reyna and Edwin stood in the room, staring down at her. Edwin looked pained not only by the physical pain he had inflicted upon himself but by the fact she was where she was and had done what she had done without him knowing.

"I couldn't stop it," She said, holding onto Rowe as if they might take him from her or vise versa. "He had to die and I had to kill him. I didn't want to, but I had to. Just go, please."

"Erudessa, you can't stay. We have to go or die," Edwin said, approaching her slowly. His hand found her shoulder and gripped it tightly for his stability and hers.

She turned her face away. "I won't go. I don't want to live anymore. Let me die!"

"Erudessa-" Reyna began and stopped herself when Edwin shot her a warning look.

He knelt down beside her, wincing at the pain in his back. His hand moved from her shoulder to the small of her back. The other cupped her cheek, turning her face so she was looking at him. "I'm not going to let you die. As long as I live, you will not die unless there is truly no way I can save you."

She opened her mouth to speak, but instead he swept her up into his arms. Surprisingly, he didn't winced even as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her arms trembled as she clasped them together behind his neck. She stared down at the crumpled body that was once King Rowe. Her dagger was discarded beside his body. "Edwin?"

He met her eyes and nodded.

"The dagger," She said, hoping he understood what she meant.

"Regalia, get the dagger," Edwin said, looking at Reyna who obeyed.

After she had the dagger, they left the room. Erudessa have them directions to the secret passageway so they wouldn't get caught. In a few minutes, they were outside of the castle. Edwin put Erudessa down at her own request. Despite all she had promised herself, she had to live for Edwin. He had come close to deal for her. It was the least she owed him.

He led the way to a carriage packed with luggage just outside the city limits. Erudessa recognized her own horse as one of those pulling the carriage. Fredric sat inside with his daughter in his lap. Reyna sat beside him, leaving Edwin and Erudessa to sit across from them. Before setting off, Erudessa took her dagger from Reyna and moved to add the final cut to her back.

"Erudessa, let me do it," Edwin said, playing his hand on hers.

She met his eyes and handed him the dagger. He took it and added the cut to her back. She took the dagger from him afterward and threw it out the window. "I never want to see that thing again."

Then, they set off.

A/N~I'm not sure how many people read these, but I'm making this anyways in hopes someone will

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I'm not sure how many people read these, but I'm making this anyways in hopes someone will. This is the end of the first book. It took me a while to get this last part down, and it was nothing like I intended. I had always planned the death though. Just the details weren't exactly as I had planned. It over now though, finally.

I want to make a second book, but I won't publish any parts until this book gets at least five hundred reads. This is both for the fact that I need time to compose a plot for the second book and that I needed motivation to do so. So, if this book makes it to five hundred reads, I'll try to publish a prologue to the second book as soon as possible. Until then, this is all you have.

Thank you so much for reading all the way through this! If you enjoyed, don't forget to vote. If you have anything you want to say or ask, don't be afraid to comment or message me. I love hearing feedback! In the meantime, as you wait for book two (if you do want to read that or not), please feel free to check out some of my other stories.

Once again, thanks for reading!

}:{ Raina

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