Chapter 22 - The Snowfall

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"The first snowfall is always the greatest snowfall. It shows the true grace of that which is snow. Pure, white flakes that fall down to earth to spend a moment in the freezing world with us."


The Reception.
It was a lot more crowded than Erudessa had original thought. Tons of people were on the dance floor performing traditional folk dances while other stood off talking in some clusters. Erudessa stood beside Edwin, holding onto his arm with both hands. They made their way through the crowd to leave since Erudessa was getting light-headed from all the excitement in the room, but before they reached the door out of the ballroom, Rowe and Calia came in their way.

"Hello, Erudessa, Edwin. How are you enjoying the party?" Rowe asked, looking solely at Erudessa.

Edwin straightened. "It's a fine party, but we were going to leave. Erudessa isn't feeling well. Congratulations, by the way. You two make a beautiful couple."

Calia smiled at him. "Thank you, Prince Edwin."

Rowe kept his eyes locked with Erudessa. "You can at least give me one dance, can't you? As a way of saying goodbye. I understand you might be leaving with Prince Edwin when his stay is over."

"Yes, I might. I hope so," Erudessa said, letting go of Edwin's arm. She inhaled sharply. "If a dance is what you want, it's the least I can do." She turned to Edwin. "Will you be waiting here?"

Edwin smiled, taking her hand and squeezing it. "Absolutely."

She let her hand slip from his as Rowe took her to the dance floor. The song went from fast paced to a slow song. Unfortunately, the kind you merely sway to. Erudessa knew Rowe was going to talk, and from the looks of it, nothing remained of the Rowe she once knew. The power had completely taken over. He was a different person now. He was a married king.

Erudessa clasped her hands together behind his neck, feeling the bottom of his hair brush against her fingers. He had his hands around her waist, keeping a safe distance between them. She found it hard to meet his eyes, but when she did, there was no way she could look away. His eyes had always managed to entice her. Still, there was that hungry look in them. That wasn't something she liked.

"So, here we are. Together for the finally time. I'm going to miss you, Erudessa. Despite everything that has happened since you left the castle that day, I still loved you. I'm just sorry it had to end like this," Rowe said in a low voice.

"We have other people now. There is no need for us to be truly sad. This was bound to happen one day. Wasn't it?" She asked.

He smiled. "All good things must come to an end. Like this era of peace. Despite these alliances we seem to be making, I don't think the peace will last long. The other kingdoms don't respect my wishes to settle the Dead Zone. We might have a war on our hands if they don't submit."

She had to risk the urge to dig her nails into the back of his neck. "You can't serious think that this plan of yours is going to work. There is no way the kingdoms will allow you to settle the Dead Zone. There is a reason it is called that. No one is meant to live there."

"That is also why it is ripe for the taking," He said, pulling her closer. She saw the hunger in his eyes and felt fear immobilize her. "I wish you hadn't agreed to marry the prince. We could have done this together if you would have only said yes."

She tried to move away, but his held onto her sides with a tight grip.

"You are not leaving this time."

"Get away from me or I'll scream. I don't think you subjects will think very highly of you then," She said, digging her nails into the back of his neck. She stared into his eyes with a new raging fire behind her own.

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