Chapter 17 - The Pre-Meeting

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"It comes before the meeting. It's a way to make sure everything will go accordingly in the actual meeting. We always have pre-meetings. Always."


The City.
It was somehow bigger than the city around the castle. Though, most of it was taken up by the House of Scholars. The House of Scholars was the biggest building in all the Realms. It had living quarters for the Scholars in the east wing. Meeting rooms and conference halls in the west wing. The kitchen and dining hall was located in the south wing. And then there was the north wing. The north wing housed the Archives. It was the biggest collection of written words saved from the Age of Old as well as any made during this time.

Erudessa had never been to Cordinia before, but it certainly met expectations. The roads were smooth cobblestone which was nice compared to the bumpy dirt roads they had traveled so far. There were trees everywhere compared to most cities. Buildings were multiple stories and made of brick. The people they passed by on the streets were friendly, shouting greetings. But, Erudessa got a foreboding feeling as she stared at the House of Scholars looming in the distance.

It was surrounded by a tall stone wall. Fields stretched on around in filled with ponds, small forests, and farming areas. It was several acres and was like its own little world. The building was a burning white that glowed in the early morning light. It was so big. The biggest building Erudessa had ever seen was the castle. Put twenty of them together and you might just match the size of the House of Scholars.

When they reached the iron gate, two Guards stepped forward. One was tall and relaxed while the other was short and tense. They stared up at Erudessa and Brynn defensively.

"We are here to see Scholar Edgar. He's expecting us," Brynn said with confidence.

"Scholar Edgar, aye? Names?" The shorter said, griping his spear tightly.

"Brynn Lyster and Erudessa Drakon," Brynn replied.

The guards shot each other worried glances and looked at Erudessa. The taller spoke next. "What does the Assassin want with Scholar Edgar?"

Erudessa smiled shyly. "I don't do that anymore."

"Then what's with that?" He pointed to her dagger sheathed at her side.

"It's a dangerous world," She shrugged.

The guards conversed quietly together and nodded. The shorter spoke again. "You may pass through." The guards opened the gate and they passed through. Erudessa let out a small sigh of relief the worse seemed to be over for now. Stage one complete.

As they rode up the trail, Erudessa noticed that there were people working in the fields. Some were farming while others were fishing. A few children ran around, kicking small leather balls to each other. She smiled as they laughed with each other. They were so innocent and naive. None had a clue how hard their lives would eventually become.

They reached the main doors and two servants took their horses to the stables. As the doors opened, Erudessa realized there really was no going back. This was her mission. She was really a part of the Night Watch now, as much as she hated it. It seemed like the right choice at the time.

The man Erudessa gathered was Scholar Edgar stood before them. He was average height, with dark graying hair and light brown eyes. He wore dark blue robes. His smile was soft as he led them inside. Erudessa gaped at the inside. The walls were covered in murals depicting the Age of Old, Age of War, Age of Devastation, and Age of Renewal. There footsteps against the white marble floor echoed throughout the large room.

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