viii. the knight

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"Fear exists for a reason. If you're lucky, you can be what people fear. Instill fear in your enemies and you can win all your wars."


The Ghosts. They were still fresh in her mind when she woke up the next morning. She would remember them forever. They were so real, and yet, she wanted to convince herself they weren't real. Ghosts don't exist. At least, not in the sense that you could see them. The souls of those without proper burials remained in this world to wander, but they never showed their faces. King Eben and the Elder had been so real. She went cold thinking about them.

     Then, there was the fact that her flame wouldn't go out until she let it be for King Eben. It would be foolish of her to think she could give it for those who died. Still, the Elder told her that she had helped those she killed. Her first and only explanation was the scars. She was convinced that somehow making small, permanent cuts in her back helped them move on. Only the Elder knew how she helped them, and though she wanted to know how she helped, she didn't want to be the girl who talked to ghosts.

     Erudessa sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. It was Rowe's Coronation tonight. All servants in the castle where preparing the throne room for the occasion. She hoped her dress would be better than last night's. She could still feel the cold on her arms. Getting out of bed, she crossed her room to her balcony and, pulling on her cloak, went out onto the balcony.

     The sun had barely risen and people were already up. The city was bustling with the preparations for the Coronation. It hadn't been this busy since he was crowned prince. That felt like centuries ago now but really it was four years ago when he was fifteen. People had been trying to sell things then in celebration. Now, they were all working on the food, decorations, and just anything they could get their hands on to make sure they weren't king-less by nightfall. If word got out that King Eben died before the Coronation could happen, a war would break out.

     There was a knock on the door. Erudessa went to open it, but it opened before she could get there. Calia walked in with two of her servants. She looked around the room, nodding. "Yes, I think this room will do just nicely."

     Erudessa crossed her arms. "Excuse me?"

     Calia looked at her and frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry, I guess no one sent for you. Rowe wants to talk to you, so I'll let him explain." She turned to her servants. "We'll come back later." They left.

     Erudessa took off her cloak and threw it on her bed. Then, she changed and went to find Rowe. A servant told her she could find him on the second floor in the King's Study. She stared at them with wide eyes for a moment and they merely shrugged before walking off. It was strange that he was already taking control of his father's old stuff.

     When she got to the door, a strange sensation came over her, causing her to recall the last time she was there. It was so strange to think that she was switching out scrolls so a king that was dead wouldn't see them. Finally, she got up the courage and knocked. The door opened when she hit it. Rowe was standing behind the desk, leaning over a few papers. A servant stood off to one side while General Ren stood beside him.

     Rowe looked up and saw Erudessa. He looked at General Ren and nodded to the door. General Ren glanced at Erudessa and bowed before leaving. Rowe waved Erudessa in. She felt General Ren stick something in her hand as he brushed past her. Uncertainly, she closed her fist around it tightly. Whatever it was, it had a smooth exterior.

     "Dessa, I'm glad you're here. I suppose Calia sent you since I forget to send someone else for you," He said with a shy smile.

     "Yeah, she did."

The Night Watch | The Nocturnal Chronicles {Book One} Where stories live. Discover now