Chapter 28 - The Talk

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"We speak words without knowing what they really mean. All we know is that they pass from our mouths into the world. An opinion spoken aloud."


The Morning.
It came so suddenly. Erudessa woke up with her head on Edwin chest, and his arms were wrapped tightly around her. She tilted her to look at him and smiled. He looked so peaceful. Memories of the night before plagued her mind. She felt humiliated because of how she acted. It had to be one of her lowest moments. She didn't even know she had so many tears. Edwin had been so kind though. He didn't care that she was crying or that she was convinced she would never be able to love him. She didn't deserve him.

Edwin had never been someone she would have seen herself falling in love with, at first. He seemed too good for her. Like something about of a daydream. He came into her life so unexpectedly. She would have never believe someone if they told her she would end up where she was. It was so hard to believe it even now. And despite everything, she was still with him. She had tried so hard to convince him but he couldn't accept it. He was falling in love with her. Even though she still loved Rowe, she couldn't deny the fact that she might be falling in love with him as well.

She didn't want anything to go wrong between them, but she knew something would. Something always went wrong. She had hope it would be different with him. They could make it possibly. There was a chance. It was her wish to be happy with him. She could be happy with him. Even if they had to suffer first, she would accept it for a chance to be with him. She just wanted to be happy. Was that so much to ask?

As she tilted her head back down and snuggled closer to him, Edwin stirred and opened his eyes with a yawn. He released her, stretching his arms. She looked up at him before sitting up. It took her a moment to realize they were still in the living room, laying on the rug in front of the dying fire. The blanket she had wrapped around him hung loosely around their legs. Little light came in from the window. Snow whirled around in the wind. The storm had only calmed slightly. She suspected it would last at least till the end up the day. It felt like it had been too long since the last time Raecasta had seen snow. 

Erudessa turned back to Edwin who was rubbing his eyes. She smiled as he blinked a few times and met her eyes. He smiled back at her. They hadn't talked anymore after all of her sobbing. She still wonder how she saved him. Maybe he was just saying that she make her feel better.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Erudessa said as he sat up. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Much better," He said, glancing out the window. "Still snowing, huh?"

She nodded. "It snows a lot during winter up here. It's rare to see even a single blade of grass until spring."

He turned back towards her. "Do you enjoy the snow?"

"Yes, very much," She said, looking at the snow. "It is so pure and graceful. In the simple act of falling to the ground, it reshapes the world and turns it into something completely different. Then, it disappears and most people forget it even existed. Much like someone who didn't do much in the world. They just disappear."


"Hmm?" She asked, looking at him, and found him disorientated. There were tears in her eyes. She blinked them away furiously. "Why am I like this all of a sudden?"

"Like what? Emotional?"

She nodded with a long sigh, frowning. "I used to keep my emotions bottled up. It was like I didn't have any, but now... Now, I can't seem to go two minutes without crying. I feel bad that you have to sit through it all the time."

The Night Watch | The Nocturnal Chronicles {Book One} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt