Chapter 29 - The Conflict

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"It is a conflict. A struggle between two people who appose each other. Who do you appose? When will the true conflict begin?"


The Man.
He stood across from Edwin. An ominous glow encompassed him that came from the window to his right. He was as tall as Edwin, possibly an inch or two more. His facial features where similar with a exception of a longer nose and slightly thinner lips. His hair was the biggest difference though. It was platinum blonde, almost as white as the snow that fell behind him. His eyes were the same striking green as Edwin's. She knew it in a heartbeat. This was Fredric, brother of Edwin and heir to the throne of Arvellon. Somehow, he had made to through the storm and into their cottage.

Edwin seemed extremely on edge, like Fredric was a thorn in his side, digging deeper and deeper into his flesh. Fredric, on the other hand, looked... stern, like a father about to lecture his son. He seemed so different from Edwin even thought they looked quite alike. Fredric seemed more mature in a way. Like he had a lot more experience with his age. He didn't seem like someone who would fail at being King. In fact, he looked regal and prepared for the work he had to do as King.

There was something else about him though. Something that struck fear in her. The way he stood maybe. With complete composure and confident. He knew who he was and wasn't afraid of anyone or anything.  It was as though the world was in the palm of his hand. All he had to do was say the word and people would fall to their knees. Everyone would have complete confidence that he was leading them the right way. That kind of power scared Erudessa more than anything else. Having power over people was a dangerous thing, but even more so, it was dangerous in the hands of someone of power like a king. 

They didn't seem to notice her standing halfway down the staircase. She crouched down and tried to remain out of sight. She had seen siblings in conflict before, but that was only even Nestariel and Adan fighting over who would get the last cookie at dinner. This seemed like it would be something else. A stern older brother talking to his angry little brother would be something else.

"Why are you here, Fredric? Don't you have a Coronation to get ready for?" Edwin asked. His fists were clenched and his knuckles were white, the same color as his brother's hair.

Fredric smiled a playfully grin. "The Coronation isn't for another month, brother. You will be there, I hope. It'd be dreadfully boring without you. Of course, you will be a changed man since you have this girl you are seeing. How is she by the way? Erudessa was it?"

"Yes. She fine. We are having problems though. I'm not sure if she'll be coming with me when I return," Edwin said, suddenly changing from angry to forlorn.

Fredric frowned almost sympathetically. Almost. "Well, we all know you've never been good with foreign girls. They are too soft and never want to take off-"

"Stop!" Edwin shouted, clearly angry again. "Don't you have any respect or control?"

"Only when I'm in control of where she is," Fredric smirked.

"You are hopeless."

"No, brother. That is you. Marriage?"

Edwin turned and faced the window. "What can I say? It was love at first sight."

Fredric walked over to him. "Love at first sight? How could you even believe in such a thing? It's not like it was with Regalia, is it?"

Erudessa bit her bottom lip to keep a gasp from escaping. Regalia was her sister's name. Did Edwin know her sister?

"No, it's not like it was with Regalia. For more reasons than one," Edwin sighed. "Regalia was the first girl I ever loved, but it was so different then. We would mess around, pretending we weren't lying to each other. And she left me, for you. The girl I thought I loved chose my brother over me. How could you do that to me?"

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