Chapter 35 - The Graveyard

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"The dead live there. Roaming freely in a land totally in their control. It is best not to disturb them, but they never mind seeing a friendly face wishing them well in Afterlife."


The Silence.
It filled the space like something endless. Erudessa stared at Edwin. She pushed his hair back out of his eyes, hoping he would wake up. Fredric stood beside her, looking at both Erudessa and Edwin with worry. She didn't know him very well. Only what she'd heard from Edwin and the night Fredric arrived and came over. But, Erudessa would have never guessed he would be this concerned about his brother. At least, not with what happened the other day. Erudessa never knew how strong the ties of family were, never having a family herself aside from the royals.

Erudessa had never felt pain like this. A pain that struck her heart with such force. She had never intended to feel such strong feelings for someone, and she never had before, not even with Rowe. The things she felt when she was with Edwin where out of her control, and they were far stronger than anything she'd ever felt. That was why it was so hard to think that he might not wake up. To think he would never wake up again. It felt like someone had inflicted the same pain they had inflicted on him on her. Was this what love was? Intense connection and soul-crushing grief.

She stood up and ran her fingers through her hair. Moving away from the bed, she began pacing back and forth. With a sigh, she said, "Why does it have to be this way? Does the universe hate me?"

Fredric turned toward her and followed her with his eyes. "In truth, I believe the universe hates no one. It is destiny and fate hate bring us this pain and grief, and we can blame what is meant to be," He said.

She stared at him as she paced. "Has he ever been this way before? Ever fallen in the battlefield because someone hurt him so gravely?"

"No, your king was the first to inflicted such a bad wound," He replied, glancing at Edwin. "Edwin is strong in many ways, and that is why this is so hard to believe. I understand that he would want rest so that his body heals, but he would've woke up at least once."

Erudessa nodded and bit her lip. It was at that moment that something truly bad happened. Edwin just started shouting. None of it made any sense. Everything he said seemed to be in a language lost to them. But, whatever he was saying, he was freaking out about it. His whole body shook and his eyes shot open for a moment. Then, it all ceased. His eyes slowly closed, and his body stilled. Fredric slowly approached him. He put two fingers to Edwin's neck. Then, his eyes went wide as he pulled them away.

"Erudessa, go get Leno," Fredric said, glancing back at her to see she was staying still with shock. "Go! NOW!"

Erudessa started and ran from the room. She found Leno in the kitchen. Her expression gave away what she couldn't convey through words. Leno brushed past her and flew through the hall to Edwin. She followed quickly after him. He sat beside Edwin and looked up at Fredric. He said grimly, "No pulse. We must work quickly."

Fredric nodded and knelt beside Edwin.

Erudessa bolted from the room and stumbled outside. She leaned against the door. A feeling of sickness washed over her, and she almost hurled. Slowly she climbed onto her horse and galloped down the street. She only had one place in mind of where she wanted to go. It wouldn't brighten her mood, but she needed to come to terms with what would happen. So, she went to a place she hadn't been to since King Eben died.

The Graveyard. A large field behind the Sanctum at the edge of the city. At the edge of the field stood the Royal Mausoleum. And before it were hundred, maybe thousands of tombstones. A few mausoleums dotted the field, but none as magnificent as the Royals'. Erudessa didn't care about any of this. She only at one specific place in mind.

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