Chapter 34 - The City

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"You wait behind the tress in the forest. It isn't that you want to hide, but you are afraid of what will become of your life if you wait too long for what comes next."


The Moon.
It cast a little curtain of light in the room. Erudessa sat up in bed, unable to sleep any longer. It felt like she slept for only a few hours. It wasn't like she would be able to go back to sleep if she tried. Her nerves were getting to her. What she needed was to see Edwin, whether he was alive or not. She just needed to know how he was, and then, she would rest.

Erudessa shuffled out of bed and shivered as her feet hit the cold wooden floor. She padded over to her wardrobe and changed into something suitable for the day. Then, she took a quick look in the mirror. She still looked extremely deprived of sleep, but at least it was less than before. It was noticeable though which bothered her. You get what you get though. She braided her hair and left her room.

As she headed downstairs, Erudessa checked to see if Reyna was still with Cassiopeia, but she was all alone in her room. So, Erudessa went down the stairs to find Reyna tending the dying fire. Her face was scrunched up in concentration was she tried to revive the dying embers. Erudessa walked closer and sat on the couch.

"You know, it's going to take more than poking to start that fire up again," Erudessa said, crossing her legs.

Reyna jumped and glared at her. "You scared me! Why are you awake?"

"I slept as long as my body would allow. My mind just kept racing with thoughts of Edwin," Erudessa sighed, leaning back. "I couldn't sleep. Why are you awake?"

"Unlike you, I slept all day," Reyna said, turning back to the fire. "How do you and Edwin keep this thing going?"

Erudessa thought for a moment, realizing she had never once tended to the fire herself. "Edwin usually takes care of it."

"That makes sense," Reyna said and muttered something that sounded like "Edwin using fire magic. Typical."

Erudessa pushed the thought aside and shook her head to clear it. The moonlight that streamed in through the window cast a silvery glow over the room. It reminded her of the night she and Edwin came back from the wedding. She ran her hand over her stomach. It wasn't that long ago, was it? Time seemed to be slipping away more and more lately. So much had happened over the past couple weeks. It felt as though time just flew by.

Life had used to move at an average speed. The quickest thing in her life was chasing down one of her victims. They never lasted long. Somehow Eben always chose slow people for her to kill. Even though people she would have to chase through the outskirts of Erador wouldn't get very far. And when she would come home, there was nothing fast. If Rowe was home as well though, their time together always seemed to go in slow motion. They were always in secret despite the fact everyone already knew what they were up to.

Then the Night Watch came and changed her life forever. Fast paced events and so many emotions she never knew. Her whole life was different from then on. In a sense, Grimm and his Watchers broke her. They stripped away all of General Ren's training. She was a completely different person after they were through with her. She was nothing but a blank page. It was a good thing though and gave her the chance to before someone good. Someone she could be proud to say her was. Someone that Edwin would like. Someone she would like.

There was still so much left for her to do before she could completely change. She had to revert to her old ways one last time to kill the man she had loved since she was around ten years old. How could that be her fate? Why did the gods make it her destiny? Somehow they thought she would be able to do this. The gods were cruel sometimes. Actually, they were cruel a lot of the time. This was something else though. A new life to their wickedness that no one had seen before, and no one else would see. They were only wicked in this way to her.

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