Chapter 13

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Your POV

Camila and I both agreed that we would 'fake date' each other to make both Lauren and Shawn jealous. It sounds like something a child would do but honestly I have nothing to lose and she's agreed that she doesn't either.

We've decided to start slow and not make it obvious to anyone what we were trying to do. So we started by just hanging out whenever she was home. I'd go over and watch a movie or we'd talk and play games or whatever it was we ended up doing.

We always made sure that we posted selfies and fun videos on Twitter and Instagram, that way both Lauren and Shawn would see us getting closer without figuring us out.

The amount of time we actually spent together wasn't a lot because of Camila's schedule but it was becoming known to her fans that we were at least close friends, some of them even shipped us.

We made sure not to post anything that would lead to people thinking we were anything more than close friends. We also agreed that even though people we knew were going to think we were dating, we would keep that off Twitter considering it was all fake.

"Hey Y/N." A blonde girl smiled at me as I walked down the hall toward my locker.

"What was that?" Luke laughed as I looked behind me to see if I could figure out who she was.

"What was what?" I countered giving both him and Jen a smile.

"That girl was totally trying to get your attention." Jen stated smirking a little.

"Why would some girl suddenly want my attention now?" I questioned opening my locker.

"Maybe cause your suddenly famous." Luke answered.

"Famous?" I questioned laughing a little as I turned to face them.

"You spend all your time with hanging out with Camila Cabello, your about to try out for the national hockey team this summer, and you have many schools looking to give you scholarships." Jen stated like it was obvious. "Honestly if I didn't know you, I'd be hitting on you too."

"And what's wrong with me?" I asked a little amused.

"Well for starters your annoying, your never on time, your rooms a mess, you listen to crappy music..." She laughed a little when I cut her off.

"Whatever." I chuckled. "How'd your date with Mack go?" I asked turning back to my locker to get my books.

"I'm going somewhere else." Luke stated quickly. "I've already heard about this date to many times."

"You're just jealous you're still single." Jen teased him sticking out her tongue as he walked away turning around just long enough to give her the finger in return.

"How was it?" I asked once she finally turned her attention back to me.

"Mack is wonderful." She stated blushing a little. "She's just amazing."

"What did she do to you?" I asked giggling a little to myself.

"Not enough." Jen smirked a little causing me to choke on my own salvia.

"I didn't need that image." I stated closing my locker. "Why do you say stuff like that?"

"Because your reaction is priceless." She laughed patting my back. "Every single time."

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