Chapter 19

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Your POV

Well the girls are still out promoting their album which just dropped. We haven't seen them in a week. They've been busy and so have I with school and hockey.

Camila and I decided it was better if we just told everyone about our relationship being fake. Brad ruining everything by attacking me after Lauren dumped his sorry ass. Rather than having everyone thinking I cheated on Camila with Lauren, we just came clean.

Lauren and I decided to just take a break and start over when she got home next week. We still text each other and keep each other updated on our lives but we aren't together yet. She said that we'd take things slow and she wanted to plan a date for when she got here.

Shawn and Camila were starting to see each other now and I'm happy for them. He's a good guy and she seems completely happy around him. Some of the fans even love them, some not so much.

"Hey Y/N!" Jen called as she and Luke walked up to me in the cafeteria.

"Hey guys." I smiled putting my sandwich down and taking a sip from my drink.

"So are you going to that party next Saturday night?" Luke asked once they were sat down.

"I don't think so." I stated after thinking about it.

"You have to go!" Jen exclaimed.

"Dude it's the start of grad." Luke added.

"Lauren gets home Friday." I responded shrugging.

"You're gonna ditch a grad party for a girl?" Luke asked. "You have chicks throwing themselves at you now that people know that you're friends with Camila."

"I'd ditch it too." Jen smirked. "Especially for Lauren."

"See!" I laughed pointing at my friend. "She gets it."

"What's so cool about this Lauren chick anyway?" The taller boy asked. "I mean you have Camila Cabello right in front of you."

"Are you serious right now?" Jen looked at Luke surprised.

"So you know who Camila is but not who Lauren is?" I questioned confused. "Haven't we covered this?"

"Covered what." He asked. "All I know is you met Lauren getting coffee and she works a lot."

"You're an idiot." Jen smacked the back of his head.

"What the fuck." He said covering the back of his head. "Neither of you told me anything other than that."

"Lauren's, Lauren Jauregui" My friend explained as I watched in amusement. "Camila's gorgeous older bandmate."

"Brunette, bright green eyes, badass." I added and Jen gave me a look to which I shrugged.

"The hot one!" Luke stated surprised. "Well they're all hot but like damn."

"Even if we didn't tell you." I laughed. "How did you not figure that out?"

"Cause I don't know anything about them other than certain songs." Luke stated sipping his drink. "I don't know shit about celebrity's."

"You knew Camila?" Jen smirked a little.

"Only cause Y/N's friends with her and it's all I hear about in my classes." He replied picking up his sandwich and pointing it at me causing me to laugh. "The whole school is talking about it. Jezz only an idiot wouldn't know who she is now."

Number 14 (Lauren/You)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora