Chapter 14

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Your POV
A month later

It's been a month since Camila and I told the girls and a few other people that we were dating and it's fun but we know it's just a friendship and nothing more. Lauren's been so distant with me and she won't even talk to me anymore, Camila though, her a Shawn have been talking more than ever.

What if I just pushed Lauren even farther away than she was before? That's not what I wanted to do at all. This whole fake dating thing was stupid. Its actually working out for Camila with Shawn, which I am happy about. That's the only good thing so far, well beside my close friendship with the brunette.

The girls are home now for a month before they go back to work releasing their new album. Only Camila and Lauren are in Miami but that's a good thing maybe this whole 'dating' thing will start working for me now.

"Hey!" Camila jumped in my arms kissing my cheek and hugging me as I greeted them at the airport.

"Hi!" I laughed a little putting her down as fans screamed. "Wow they're loud."

"Always." She laughed a little turning to wave at some of them.

Camila quickly greeted her family before running off to take some photos and sign some autographs. Finally my eyes landed on the girl I was really waiting to see. She was talking to her brother and laughing about whatever it was.

Maybe I should go welcome her home. If I put in a little more of an effort to talk to her maybe she'll start talking to me again. That little push might be what she needs.

"Hey." I walked up behind her and she turned around.

"Hi." She smiled once she noticed who I was.

"Welcome back." I smiled as she gave me a hug allowing it to last a little longer than a normal hug. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." She smiled a little still. "How about you? How's the hockey going?"

"I'm good." I continued smiling. "The seasons nearly over but I'm looking forward to the summer."

"Congrats on getting chosen to try out for the national team by the way." She smiled. "I don't think I said that before."

"Thank you." I responded.

"I was wondering if you and Camila were busy tonight?" She asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"I don't think we're doing anything." I answered honestly. "Why?"

"Well Brads in town and I was wondering if we could all go out." She stated. "I mean if that's if you guys want to."

"Yeah, I'll um check with Camila first but that sounds good." It doesn't really sound good to me. Especially seeing her with Brad.

"Okay, just let me know and I'll set everything up." She smiled.

"Okay I'll check with her as soon as she's finished over there." I said pointing toward my fake girlfriend who was talking to a couple fans still.

"I should probably go say hi too." Lauren smiled turning to head toward the fans. "It's good seeing you Y/N." She added before taking off in the other direction and causing even more screaming.


Camila and I were now waiting at the restaurant Lauren had told us to meet them at. It was a nice place, not to fancy but just fancy enough that it had a nice feeling to it. It's the type of place I'd expect Lauren to choose.

Number 14 (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now